# Good Vibrations... Beach Boys
(FADE…) Hello and welcome to Patsy’s Good Vibrations on Radio Glan Clwyd at 10 0’clock this Sunday morning…
(FADE…) inviting you to share the next hour or so with me... enjoying my choice of music... which sometimes surprises me... and always delights...
HELLO to whoever’s listening in hospital... and to those who may be listening online... WELCOME to you too!
In case you hadn’t noticed… today is Remembrance Sunday… which commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiègne, France, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I. This took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning… the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918.
#1 We’ll Meet Again… Kathryn Jenkins
"Armistice" is not necessarily the end of a war, but is an agreement to cease fighting while an attempt is made to negotiate a lasting peace. In the context of the First World War 'the armistice' is generally referred to in context of the agreement between the Germans and the Allies to end the war at 11am on 11th November 1918.
However, many people these days believe the date of 11/11/11 portends a momentous event or turning point in the evolution of human consciousness… and this year a meditation took place worldwide at that time. This was an opportunity to meditate, pray, or just reflect on the world situation… that we can do at any time… whether you believe in God, Jesus, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Great Spirit... or simply the power of the human psyche to expand and evolve into something better than the brutish, savage and ignorant species that's been evident for too long.
#2 Across the Lines… Tracy Chapman
Most people on this earth long for change... for Peace and Love to replace the fear, hate and vindictiveness that fuel destructive wars. I like to think that we’re actually going into a period of Armistice at this time… that many people… even in the armed services… are becoming more concerned with building bridges… making alliances… even understanding how other peoples’ minds work… rather than simply ‘killing the enemy’.
We have it in us to make the change... to become a more humane race of humans... and the power is in each one of us. Yes, as we make the change in ourselves, WE BECOME THE CHANGE we desire in the world.
#3 Bridge Over Troubled Waters… Simon and Garfunkel
When things start to change… the vibration is different… you know what I mean by that? Not for nothing is my signature tune Good Vibrations… because my aim in life is to help people make changes in their vibration to improve their lives. So when do you feel good vibrations? Is it in achieving something special? Or doing something exciting or challenging? When I have a good session with a client and feel the change in their energy... I really get a buzz... I feel like I’m vibrating... actually buzzing! Or maybe it’s the special way you feel when someone expresses their love and appreciation... and when you’re falling in love?
#4 Falling in love again... Marlene Dietrich
A favourite song from WW1… and I’d like to think that this Remembrance of Armistice Day is a good day to stop warring with yourself. So why not give yourself a break from hostilities… stop beating yourself up… about what you shouldn’t have said … or what you ought to have done… you do don’t you? Stop should’ing on yourself and let the vibration of love in.
I know I’m in a good vibration when I’m not worrying about anything... and just enjoying the moment... walking on the beach... climbing the Great Orme... or just relaxing and listening to good music... and best of all when I’m with someone I love...
#5 Let your love flow... Bellamy Brothers
You know that we always welcome your requests for a particular record, or a mention of someone or something special... and if you have an interesting or funny story to tell, connected to a special song... we’d love to hear from you. You can contact Radio Glan Clwyd by phone on 01745-584229... or if you’re here in hospital, on Extension 4360, or ask one of the volunteers going around the wards. And you can also listen online at... www.rygc.co.uk
#6 This is my song... Pet Clarke
I get inspired by the words in songs and stories. These are wise words from the Buddha... ‘words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change the world.’ And I’ve written a series of sayings... which I hope will inspire you... and give you food for thought. How about this one...
Life is the best Bank Account you could ever imagine. You get the same amount deposited every single day, but if you don’t use it, you lose it, until the next day’s allowance.
However, you can invest as much as you want in experience, love and relationships. So whatever your circumstances,
the more you spend yourself enjoying life to the full, the more you get back.
#7 My Life Flows On… Aled Jones
This is a quote from Helen Keller... an amazing woman who overcame being blind and deaf from childhood to become an inspiration to generations of people... She said... ‘Security is mostly superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of humans as a whole, experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is a daring adventure, or nothing.’
I collect interesting quotes... here’s another from Buckminster Fuller, a successful American engineer, author, designer and inventor... ‘The minute you begin to do what you want to do, it’s a different kind of life.’
#8 Holding Back The Years… Simply Red
We all live with stress... in this world we can’t avoid it.... and a certain amount of stress is useful... like when we have a deadline to meet... a task to accomplish... or we’d never get anything done!
But chronic stress... when you’re under pressure that you can’t resolve for some reason... can put you into a negative vibration that can damage your health. What can you do to change that vibration?... to get back into a positive state of mind and relax. When I become aware that I’m under stress and feeling restless… I’ve learned to use EFT to deal with any disturbing emotions.
Those of you who’ve heard my show before will know that I usually give an introduction to EFT... that’s Emotional Freedom Techniques… and the whole point of doing this is to FREE yourself of any disturbing emotions. EFT is a way of calling an armistice so you can negotiate a lasting peace. Does that sound good to you?
So now I’d like you to think about any way you beat yourself up… blame yourself… or live with regrets… all those feelings that disturb you when you think of something in the past … any emotional feelings... of sadness… despair… fear or guilt… whatever you feel. Now rate that feeling on a scale of 0 to 10... 10 being the very worst feeling you can get. (Write down the number if you can... and name that feeling.)
Start by tapping the fleshy side of your hand... below the little finger... we call that the Karate Chop... and take a long deep breath. Keep tapping and say out loud... if you can..
Even though I feel this sadness and shame … because I shouldn’t have said those things… I deeply and completely accept myself as I am…
Even though I feel this fear and guilt … because of what I did… I love myself anyway...
Even though I’ve been feeling this despair… because I can never put it right…
Maybe I could forgive myself … it was a long time ago…
Take another deep breath... and now we start tapping around the face..
1st point... right between the eyebrows... just above the nose... tap with 3-4 fingers... and say... this feeling of……..
2nd point... at the side of the eye right on the corner... either side... and say... it’s an old story
3rd point... under the eye on the cheekbone... this feeling of…..…
4th point... right under the nose... I’d like to be rid of it…
5th point... in the cleft of the chin right under the lip... this feeling of…
6th point... collarbone... at the top of the chest... I’d rather not have it…
7th point... under arm… at the side of the ribs… this feeling of…
8th point… top of head... and say... This feeling of....... who needs it? No-one else blames me… it’s an inside job… maybe I could just choose to let it go... because I’d rather feel love and peace… love and peace…
Is that right? Wouldn’t you rather live in the vibration of love and peace?
Take note now of how that feeling might have changed. Has the number gone up or down?
You can repeat that sequence of EFT any time on your own… or while we play the next track… so just let go of all that dead weight…
#9 The Living Years… Michael Ball
So what if you could actually choose the way you live the rest of your life? We’re supposed to have free will… why not use it… it really is up to you… to choose a good life…
#10 The Good Life… Tony Bennett
have you lost your zest for life? Are you apathetic about your future? Unsure about your capacity to achieve a rich and fulfilling life?
So ask yourself…What is one thing that gives you joy in life? What makes you feel really good about yourself? What really excites and makes your life meaningful?
Can you find the dream that inspires you to leave your comfort zone and reach for the sky?
Realise what you may have lost along the way and think of ways you can re-ignite the passions that motivate you to really live.
#11 Crazy Little Thing Called Love… Queen
How often do we hold back... maybe for fear of making a fool of oneself... or because we feel hurt or offended... and our buttons are pushed... so we react with anger... and so many times we miss out on opportunities that will never present again. So we let that relationship fizzle out... a friendship fade... even family connections can break... and we lose touch with those we once loved... and that’s so sad...
#12 Unforgettable… Nat King Cole
· TIME: 58.50...
This Remembrance Day you may recall dramas or newsreel images of the first young men, many of them just boys, eager to go out and fight the Huns in WW1… no doubt dreaming of adventure and heroism… expecting to come home victorious, in clouds of glory. The reality was so different. And then those who were conscripted… and had no choice… forced to fight…
As we’re coming up to 11 0’clock… let’s pause with the rest of the country… to reflect on… not only those who died in all the wars of last century… and up to those still going on today… those servicemen and women doing their duty … as they understood it… serving whatever country they come from… but all those who survived with traumatic memories and horrific injuries to mind and body… and the countless civilians who were also affected… losing family and friends… homes and businesses… from the effects of war… and let’s take 2 minutes to remember them now
· 11.00 2 MINS SILENCE
#14 Amazing Grace… Conwy Town Band
On days like these… we can easily be overcome by emotion…
#15 On days like these... Matt Monroe
You know when you’re in a stressful vibration... when your body gets all tight... your feet get fidgety... your hands start to clench... or you find you’re grinding your teeth... well, this is one way I get to relax... So if you’d like to do this now... stop whatever you’re doing and follow along with me... if you can…
Close your eyes and... Just focus on your breathing... slowing down with each breath... for a couple of minutes... breathing slow and easy... relaxing your body... releasing the tension in every muscle... sinking down into the bed or chair... with every breath... and relaxing your mind... letting each thought float by... with every breath... any thoughts floating away like little clouds... only aware of each breath... and my voice... just for the moment... until you feel completely relaxed... free of all bodily sensation... sinking down into a comfortable relaxation... does that feel good...
and NOW... while you’re relaxing... bring to mind some memory that always makes you feel really happy... or take yourself to a favourite place... somewhere you feel safe and comfortable inside... maybe a favourite place you like to walk... and sink into that warm... comfortable feeling... of connection... with life and nature... where you feel a sense of belonging... and feel that love and joy filling your heart.
Magnify that feeling in your heart... with every breath... filling your heart with love and joy... like a big pink balloon... and hold that love and joy in your heart... you can tie off the balloon to contain that feeling....... and bring it back whenever you need to remind yourself of how good you can feel.
You know you can do this while you’re lying in bed... or sitting in your chair... bring that feeling into your heart... all those feelings of gratitude for life... and even though there may be dark clouds... know that the sun is still there... and you can rise up into the sunshine and leave those clouds behind...
#16 Somewhere over the rainbow... Judy Garland
Maybe life could be easy... if we just relax into whatever happens... by accepting things as they are... loving people for who they are... without expectations. Then maybe we’d have no reason to get frustrated, annoyed and angry... maybe we could enjoy life just by living it... moment by moment!
Do you put off till tomorrow anything you don’t want to do today? Has this become too much of a habit?
how much more productive could your life be if you did things at the appropriate time and got them out of the way before they got to be a problem?
Realise that every time you procrastinate you put part of your life on hold.
Think how much you achieve when you deal with life as quickly and easily as you know you can.
You know... sometimes we have to take a chance on life... because if we don’t... we get stuck in a groove... and some people never get out of that groove... they never change and never progress. They may be alive… but not really living… what a waste of a life…
#17 Staying Alive… Bee Gees
Ok... sometimes we do bite off more than we can chew... or think we’re capable of more than is realistic...
#18 It’s Impossible...
Sometimes it seems an impossible task... and often it feels like too much hard work... and we just want it to end. But if we do... how does that make you feel? Maybe relief if you realise you’d been banging your head against a brick wall... and then again... maybe the resolution is to look at it in another way... tackle it from another angle... make a fresh start...
#19 Pick yourself up... dust yourself off... and Start all over again... Fred Astaire
I’d hate to say at the end of my life... ‘My greatest regrets are the things I did not do, the opportunities I missed and the things left unsaid.
Whether it’s going for a walk, writing a letter, making a phone call or clearing out cupboards, saying sorry, giving a compliment or making a decision.
Take a deep breath, grasp the nettle, take a leap of faith or make that commitment.
Decide that whatever you are doing today you are going to enjoy it one way or another.
#20 The Right Thing To Do... Carly Simon
Sometimes a change of attitude works wonders... when we just stop trying and go with the flow... not giving up on the dream... but sitting back and noticing the patterns and tides... getting a feel of the ebb and flow of life... feeling the vibration… ready to take advantage of how things come together at the right time... and enjoy whatever happens... It’s never too late to change tack... have a change of heart... see the funny side...
#21 Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries…
Your Goal may be something really simple... or a great dream... whatever it may be... Just Go For It! and hang onto your dreams… whatever they are…
#22 Any Dream Will Do… Donny Osmond
We are all extra-ordinary… in an ordinary world…
#23 Ordinary World… Duran Duran
My time today is coming to an end and I’d like to thank you all for accompanying me on this journey today and I trust you’ve enjoyed my take on Life, the Universe and Everything... I’ll be back next Sunday morning at 10.0’clock… for another journey in music and song, when maybe you’ll be able to join me again... and this is Patsy Wynne signing off for today... from Radio Glan Clwyd... and remember... Always look on the bright side of life...
# Always look on the Bright side of Life... Monty Python... (fade)