So my thoughts turned to all those who provide essential services; the Police, Ambulance Paramedics, Hospital Doctors and Nurses who pick us up and, hopefully, put us together again, not to mention the hard working cleaners who clear up the mess... where would we be without them?
When we think of being in service... maybe images of butlers and maids in cap and apron spring to mind. But actually most of us are in service... one way or another! Whether you serve in a shop or a bank... teach in a school or look after your family... we’re all serving one another... and that’s a good thought...
It’s said that... ‘they also serve, who only stand and wait’... and certainly patience and tenacity is important whatever we’re doing, because any job can become a bit of a bore if we expect too much out of life.
I like to think I’m doing a service too... with my radio show... and I hope to serve up some pleasure as well as food for thought.
I hope that these thoughts about service give food for thought... and that you join with me in sending grateful thanks to all those who go in there and clear up the mess... and appreciation for the good work so many do... in service to others... bringing relief and support to those in trouble.