Saturday, 24 December 2011

Wishing you a Stress-Free Xmas

As we move inexorably through the festive season it’s possible that you may begin to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Having a good time can take a lot of effort and the strain of giving out joy and goodwill as well as providing all the food and drink can begin to take its toll if we choose to take on that responsibility.  So if you begin to feel stressed, take a few minutes to de-stress… the loo can offer temporary sanctuary from the chaos of kids or drunken relatives! Focus on what you’re feeling and locate it, wherever it is in your body… maybe your stomach feels jittery or uncomfortable… your chest might feel heavy, restricting your breathing… or tears threaten to overflow… and what about the ache in your shoulders?  Simply take a few long deep breaths… relaxing your shoulders and all your muscles with every breath… and imagine how you can send love to the part of you that’s hurting.  Sounds silly?  Just take a few moments to do it and see what happens! 
So have yourself a very Merry and Relaxing Christmas!