Monday, 24 May 2010

Zummer is a'comin' in... at last!

Sunday dawned without a cloud in the sky and produced the hottest day since last year, at least!

Not a day to exert oneself too much, at least in the heat of the midday sun. So it was mid-afternoon when Phil, Julie and myself were inspired to go for a walk from Phil's caravan in the hills.

After meandering through boggy fields and negotiating barbed wire fences, we finally found our way to the waterfall, which Phil promised would be cool and refreshing. As you can see from these pics, we made the most of it, skinny-dipping in the wonderful cool water.

Even I got in with Julie's help, and Phil took this one on his phone to prove it!

And below... Calender girl for May?

Saturday, 22 May 2010


Yesterday, which was supposed to be hot and sunny everywhere, brought a thick fog to Llandudno.

The Orme couldn't be seen from the promenade, as you can see in the first picture but holidaymakers were out doing their thing anyway!

The Fog stayed around most of the morning, finally lifting by late afternoon to let the sun shine through, when I went for a walk along West shore, though you can still see remnants of fog against the hills.

Saturday, 8 May 2010


At last I've decided on who I am... and how to market what I have to offer! I have to admit it's not been easy to be objective about myself and over the past few weeks I've tried various ideas only to reject them as too pretentious or whacky. As my sister now has her new website..., we are no longer under the name of WHO2, which apparently nobody could relate to anyway.

I've been working on my new website... and I'd love to know what you think about it. For instance, does this section of one of my photographs convey the idea of freshness and growth? Does the wording tell you what you'd like to know about who I am and what I do?

After all the training I've done and clients I've helped, I've come to realise that my passion is in the area of Personal Development and I think I do have a lot to offer to anyone who desires a more than ordinary life... and is prepared to tread the road less travelled.

I'm offering courses and workshops on the 7-Step Strategy for Transformation, also available as an ebook and online course. My invitation to women to Come to the Edge with me, to discover their true potential, is on again. I hope to hear from anyone who'd appreciate a 1-5 day therapeutic breakthrough intensive in my home in North Wales.

Please feel free to comment or email me at (I haven't got the email linked to the website as yet.) Thanks for following my adventures... I love you!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Best Laid Plans...

Earlier this year I declared my intention to sell up and buy a motorhome to live in. My Prime Intention was to be able to travel; (one passion,) while visiting people who want to learn how to make their lives better, introducing EFT as far and wide as possible; (my other passion.)

Now, as any coach will tell you, the idea is just the start. Before any goal can become feasible, there is much preparation to be done. Before undertaking any journey, you must assess the cost, investigate the best mode of transport and decide on the time scale, among many other details.

Then you would plan the route, set the SatNav or buy the tickets. Finally, you'd be ready to actually set off. At this point anything could happen to delay your departure; the car might break down, there may be a rail strike, you could oversleep and miss your flight, or a cloud of volcanic dust could appear to ground all aircraft! The best laid plans can go awry, as Burns put it, and the only thing to do is to return to base and start over again.

I still have my goal in sight, but because of the slump in house prices, among other considerations, the plan has to be modified. I would have to raise funds to buy even a small campervan, in order to attend the summer festivals, to raise awareness of the healing power of the mind through EFT.

So I'm still focussed on my INTENTION while working on other projects; networking, seeing clients, writing and my own personal development, while keeping fit by walking and cycling and enjoying the company of my family as much as possible.

I'm progressing one step ata time and am open to whatever happens... and miracles do happen, all the time!