# Good Vibrations... Beach Boys
This is Patsy Wynne inviting you to share the next hour with me... enjoying my choice of music... which sometimes surprises me... and always delights... HELLO to whoever’s listening in hospital... and to those who may be listening online... WELCOME to you too!
1 Can you feel it... The Jacksons...
Can you feel it? What is it, but ENERGY? Well, my theme music... GOOD VIBRATIONS... is all about ENERGY... because everything in the universe is vibrating... at different rates. From the chair we sit in... to the food we eat... to the thoughts we think... it’s all energy. Our bodies vibrate at a certain rate that makes us human... and more particularly... our personal vibration is determined by our state of health... so when we’re not feeling so good... we say... “I’m feeling a bit low”... or “I’m wiped out”... “Under the weather”... right? And when we’re feeling really good... we’re “On a high”... “Tip-top”... “At my peak”... “Feeling on top of the world”...
2 Top of the world... The Carpenters
Some people can actually see or feel energy... and I’ve been studying the subject of energy.. and how it affects us all... for some time... so I’ll be making some observations on that... in between the music... which is also a vibration! You’ll know how some music makes you feel energised... while another kind of music gets you relaxed... or sad... or really happy. Well... that’s just part of the energy all around us... that affects us... whether we realise it or not...
3 I wish I knew how it would feel to fly... Billy Taylor
I love that jazzy beat... just makes me want to get up and dance... You may recognise that from when it was used for some years as the theme on TV for Barry Norman’s Film 19... whatever year it was. That’s how we get hooked into a particular programme... as soon as we hear the theme music... if it makes us feel good... we can’t wait to watch the show! Our feelings... e-motion... is just energy in motion... and that can be as powerful as the waves of the sea... we just get carried away...
4 Some enchanted Evening... Perry Como
You know sometimes you can just feel someone looking at you... even though you’re not looking at them... and then you know how you can feel uncomfortable in the presence of a particular person... you just want to move away from them... and you don’t even know why... you’re actually feeling their energy... and then there are people who make you feel so good... and you know that feeling when you're expecting something...
5 Something’s coming... West Side Story
The trouble is... for most of us we’re lucky to have peak moments of such feelings and they don’t usually last very long... so what can we do about getting more energy when we’re feeling low?... especially if we’re sick or anxious about something... maybe waiting for an operation... or worried about an illness...
6 Don’t Bring me Down... E.L.O.
When I’m bothered by any unpleasant feeling... and maybe I don’t know if it’s something in me... or a reaction to someone or something else... I use a technique known as EFT... that’s based on acupuncture points... but without needles... which helps reduce any conflicts in the mind... and any negative emotion... because just doing the tapping helps balance the emotional energy systems of the body. If you’d like to follow along with me...
- First identify what you’re feeling... where do you feel it?... In your mind... when your mind just goes round in circles... and maybe in your heart... where you feel a heaviness... and disquiet... or physically in your body... like a sick feeling or butterflies in the stomach... or a feeling of restlessness... when you can’t relax... tapping feet or fidgeting hands...
- Start tapping the (Karate Chop Point) outer edge of one hand below the little finger... with the fingertips of the other hand... taking a few deep breaths... while focussing on what you’re feeling...
- Take a deep breath ... then say out loud...
- Even though I have this feeling... and I don’t know why... or maybe I do...
- I completely love and accept myself anyway...
- Even though I’m feeling ... anxious... sad... sick...uncomfortable... (whatever it may be)
- I accept that whatever it is... this too will pass...
- Even though this feeling keeps bothering me...
- I forgive myself for letting this feeling get to me... I’m doing the best I can...
- WRISTS... inside wrists together... This feeling... maybe it’s telling me something...
- Back of hand, below the 3rd ring finger... This feeling of...
- TOP OF HEAD... that old feeling... why not just let it go...
- Chest... (take a long deep breath)... I can decide to accept my life... just as it is... I can choose to appreciate all the good things in my life... and focus on all that I love... and those who love me... I fill my heart with all that love... until it overflows into all the cells of my body... and makes my whole body feel good...
- Keep breathing while you’re tapping your chest... until you feel loving energy moving through your body... and give thanks for this energy...
There’s more to it than this of course... and you may need help... because when you start a dialogue with yourself... it can lead to new a understanding... about yourself and your life.
You can repeat this sequence as often as you like... when you wake up and go to the bathroom... while taking a shower... waiting for the kettle to boil... or when you find yourself staring into space... It’s a good habit... you begin to feel easier... and the more you do this, the better you feel about yourself and the easier it is to accept, love and forgive yourself... and others... just try it and see...
7 Feelings... Morris Albert
Don’t forget that we always welcome your requests for a particular record, or a mention of someone or something special... and if you have an interesting or funny story to tell, connected to a special song... we’d love to hear from you. You can contact Radio Glan Clwyd by phone on 01745-584229... or, if you’re here in hospital, on Extension 4360 or, or ask one of the volunteers going around the wards. Right now we have a special request for Tony... recovering at home... from Peter and all of us at Radio Glan Clwyd... and we hope you’ll soon recover and be...
8 Feeling Good... Michael Buble
9 Don’t go Breaking my Heart... Elton John
Ah... my foolish heart... how often does the heart get caught off-balance... trapped in the turmoil of emotional currents... and transported by that vibration called LOVE... over which we simply have no control... (or HATE... there’s a fine line between the two... they’re both passion.) It’s said that ‘the heart has its own reason that reason doesn’t know’... and if we’re ever to understand the workings of the heart... we must observe the effect it has on us... so we can learn our own truth. But so often we keep repeating the same emotional patterns we’ve become used to... falling in and out of love... that’s just a vibration of energy... and it’s up to us to learn and make adjustments... to change that vibration... to a more helpful energy...
10 Heartbreaker... Dionne Warwick
My granddad used to say... “It’s all part of life’s rich pattern”... and he was right! When we begin to recognise the learning curves... and start to unravel the pattern... we can find clues that lead to the solution of our troubles... all life is learning... and adjusting...
11 Mr Blue Sky... E.L.O
When we love someone... our mum or dad... brother... sister... or anyone else... how often do we keep these feelings to our self... maybe because we’ve learned through some past embarrassment not to express such things. But it’s so important to let our loved ones know how much we appreciate them... because even though they may take your love for granted... or you think they’re oblivious to your feelings... how will they really know if you don’t tell them? And give them HUGS... often... to show your feelings!
12 When You’re Smiling... Frank Sinatra
It’s a fact... when you’re smiling... you feel good... other people respond well to you... and it’s great energy. So what a great idea it would be if we’d only count our blessings... rather than complain about the weather... or bemoan the state of our life... or the world... but to really think about all the little things we appreciate in life... how the sun feels on your face... or the rain... watching a child... or seeing a flower... having a good laugh... you know... if we all did that... we could generate enough energy to light up the world... and remember...
13 Always look on the Bright side of Life... Monty Python...