Wednesday 11 May 2011


#          Good Vibrations... Beach Boys
This is Patsy Wynne inviting you to share the next hour with me... enjoying my choice of music... which sometimes surprises me... and always delights... WELCOME to whoever’s listening in hospital... and to those who may be listening online... HELLO to you too!
Today I’m reflecting on INDECISION... and since I decided on this topic when I started preparing for this show a few days ago... the weather hasn’t been able to make up its mind... and when I see the sun shining... and decide to go out for a walk... by the time I’m ready to go... it starts raining again...
#1        All or nothing at all... Jack Jones
So... INDECISION... most of us have this problem at some time or other... and although some people may be consistently decisive... many others are consistently indecisive! And anyone who finds it hard to make decisions... often end up having their life decided by someone else... or just letting circumstances decide for them...
But just think... if you’re driving... and come to a fork in the road... or a crossroads... you have to make a quick decision... based on the information at hand... and that can sometimes be really confusing... especially in a strange city... so you might have to go around the block again before you see the sign you want... 

#2        Let’s call the whole thing off... Fred Astaire
Talking about INDECISION... so how easy is it for you to make decisions? Or maybe your mind gets confused by a smokescreen that stops you seeing clearly...
#3        Smoke gets in your eyes... Irene Dunne
So maybe you make the decision to stop smoking... or stop over-eating... lose weight... or simply get more healthy and fit again... but no matter how much you think you want that... you keep slipping back into old habits... because although your mind made a decision... your unconscious body wasn’t consulted... so it just keeps doing what it’s used to doing... and you feel helpless to change the record! 
#4        Should I stay or should I go... The Clash
Maybe you ‘re having a difficult time with a relationship... and while part of you wants to be with that person... another part doesn’t! It happens!  Your rational mind reasons that you should decide to do this... (and always beware of ‘should’s’)... while your heart wants something else... and your body is moved by your emotional self... so listen to it.  Never force yourself to go against how you really feel... but you have to know your own feelings.
This is one way to know how your true self feels... Stand up... at ease, relaxed but centred and balanced... and put your hands on your stomach... one above the belly button and the other below.  Close your eyes and feel into whatever conflict you’re having.  Say out loud... “I’m deciding to... (whatever)...” and feel what happens in your body. If you start to sway backwards... you’re moving away from that idea... but if you sway forward... you’re going towards it.  Your body knows more than your mind... and that could help you make good decisions... try it and see...
#5        If I loved you... Frank Sinatra...
 When we’re stuck in indecision... we’re in conflict... should I do this?... or that?... and sometimes we just can’t choose... so we choose to do nothing... and hope it works itself out... or maybe the need to decide simply goes away!  Think about that word... IN-DECISION... well... you’re still taking a decision... you can’t escape it.
I found this quote... “He who considers everything, decides nothing.”
#6        I guess I’ll have to change my plan... Mel Torme
Whenever I’m feeling indecisive about something... I  practise a technique known as EFT... that’s based on acupuncture points... but without needles... which helps reduce any conflicts in the mind... and any negative emotion... because just doing the tapping helps balance the emotional energy systems of the body.  If you’d like to follow along with me...
  • First identify where you’re feeling that indecision... how does it make you feel? in your mind... when your mind just goes from one extreme to another... thinking about the pro’s and con’s... and maybe in your heart... where you feel a heaviness... and disquiet... or physically in your body... like a sick feeling or butterflies in the stomach... or a feeling of restlessness... when you can’t relax... tapping feet or fidgeting hands...
  • Start tapping the outer edge of one hand below the little finger... with the fingertips of the other hand... taking a few deep breaths... while focussing on what you’re feeling...
  • Take a deep breath ... then say out loud...
  •  Even though I can’t make up my mind...
  • I love and accept myself anyway...
  • Even though I just can’t decide... it feels so muddled...
  • I completely love and accept myself...
  • Even though I’m so indecisive...
  • I forgive myself... I’m doing the best I can... but I don’t know what’s for the best...
  • WRISTS... inside wrists together... Can’t make up my mind...
  • Back of hand, below the 3rd ring finger... Maybe I can...
  • TOP OF HEAD... I’m waiting for the right solution to makes itself known... can’t wait too long... must make a decision... one way or another... and I want to do what feels right...
Start a dialogue with yourself... ask yourself... “What will happen if I choose this?”... “then what won’t happen?”  and wait for your unconscious mind to answer... while you’re tapping. Repeat this as often as you like... when you wake up and go to the bathroom... while taking a shower... waiting for the kettle to boil... or when you find yourself staring into space... It’s  a good habit... you begin to feel easier...  and the more you do this, the better you feel about yourself and the easier it is to make that decision... just try it and see...
#7        Stormy Weather... Cleo Laine
I  hope you're not going through stormy weather... but if you are... know that there's usually a silver lining behind every cloud... it will pass.
We always welcome your requests for a particular record, or a mention of someone or something special. Maybe you have an interesting or funny story to tell, connected to a special song. We’d love to hear from you.   You can contact Radio Glan Clwyd on Extension 4360 or 01745-584229, or ask someone to do that for you. 
#8        Turn, Turn, Turn... The Byrds...
Oh yes... there’s a time for everything... so no matter how bad things might seem... time will tell... life turns... and when we allow it... and just go with the flow... we can move on to something better... that we might never have dreamed of... more satisfying relationships... a more fulfilling life... happier times...
#9        Let’s stay together... Al Green...
In order to make good decisions... we really need to know ourselves... because so often, we’re trying to be someone other people expect us to be... a good son or daughter... wife or husband... employer or employee... without acknowledging our own needs... to be our true self... to pursue our own creative dreams. But sooner or later... we’ll be faced with a choice... to be me... or a pretend person... an actor in my own life...
#10        Theme from Black Orpheus... Paul Desmond...           (FADE>>> talk over... )
Whenever you’re feeling disturbed... or restless... give yourself a break.  Now and then... take a walk in nature... somewhere quiet... by yourself... if you can... or go somewhere beautiful... in your mind... maybe some special memory... of a place where you feel safe... at peace with yourself... breathe deeply... slowing down each breath... relaxing into yourself... noticing whatever you see... or hear... anything you sense... without any judgement... slowing down the mind... all those thoughts whirling around in your mind... just let them float way... like little puffs of smoke... slowing down... relaxing the body... breathing slow and easy... just BEING... with yourself... and notice how that feels... with a peaceful mind... and joy in your heart...
#11      Love the one you’re with... Crosby, Stills & Nash
What good advice... love the one you’re with... because sometimes we’re not really present when we’re with someone else. Know what I mean?  Often we’re so busy... and our mind is on other things... but when we decide to really focus on whoever we’re with...... then we’re really relating... whether it’s with a friend or stranger... colleague... child... or lover... that’s one secret of a happy life... when we remember to choose to do that...
#12      You made me love you... Nat King Cole
 We’ve been talking about INDECISION... and realise that even if we hate making decisions... we can’t help but make them anyway... because any time we’re faced with a choice... whatever we do is a decision... so we must know who we are and where we want to go...
#13      One Day in your life... Michael Jackson...
I’d like to thank you all for accompanying me on this journey today and I trust you’ve enjoyed my take on Life, the Universe and Everything... I’ll be back for another journey in music and song next week, when maybe you’ll join me again.... and this is Patsy Wynne signing off for today... from Radio Glan Clwyd... 

1 comment:

Catherine Woods said...

I enjoyed reading your script and hearing the tunes in my head. Thanks.