# Good Vibrations...
This is Patsy Wynne inviting you to share the next hour with me... enjoying my choice of music... which sometimes surprises me... and always delights... HELLO to whoever’s listening in hospital... and to those who may be listening online... WELCOME to you too!
Today I’m thinking about ATTITUDE... and I’ll be contributing my thoughts on that... in between the records... which I hope will give you food for thought... make you smile... and most of all lift your spirits...
#1 Forever... Chris Brown
What do we mean by attitude? You might hear a comment like... oh, she’s got attitude... meaning that person is arrogant... or sarcastic... it indicates a BAD attitude.
But hey... we all have attitudes... that’s part of being alive! We just can’t help it...
#2 The Way You Make Me Feel... Michael Jackson
So... if having attitudes is normal... what exactly is wrong with having an attitude? Well... the problem comes when we’re not aware of the attitude we’re in. You know what I mean... everyone can see it... except the person who’s got it! What did Robbie Burns say? In effect... ‘if only god would give us the gift of seeing ourselves as others see us.’
#3 The More I See You... Chris Montez
Attitudes come in all shapes, colours and shades... from a happy, optimistic attitude... to a depressed attitude of pessimism... as Winston Churchill once said... The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
Which attitude would you rather have?
#4 Isn’t She Lovely... Stevie Wonder
We all have attitudes... and our attitudes are the way we see things... which, surprise, surprise... is often different to the way other people see things! Any unconscious attitudes that lead to friction... and conflict... can start wars! And in order to make life easier for ourselves... and our relationships... it’s very important to become AWARE of what triggers off an emotional attitude... what makes us defensive... angry... or resentful.... all the feelings that spoil the pleasure and joy of life. And we CAN learn to replace any destructive attitudes with more constructive, positive ones.
#5 On Days Like These... Matt Monroe
Don’t forget that we always welcome your requests for a particular record, or a mention of someone or something special... and if you have an interesting or funny story to tell, connected to a special song... we’d love to hear from you. You can contact Radio Glan Clwyd by phone on 01745-584229... or, if you’re here in hospital, on Extension 4360 or, or ask one of the volunteers going around the wards. You can also listen online at... www.rygc.co.uk
#6 Is That All There Is?... Peggy Lee
I know that an attitude can be triggered in me... by anyone who comes across as officious or bossy... and before I know what’s happening... if I’m not being aware... I can fall into a defensive attitude... and get sucked into a fruitless dialogue that goes nowhere. I can get quite as belligerent as anyone else... not a pretty sight! So the trick is... when I feel my hackles rising... to count to 10... (and it’s not always easy to be so aware every time)... but when I’m AWARE... of what’s happening... I can choose to RESPOND instead of REACT. When I simply REACT... the situation can get out of hand very quickly... ... but when I respond quietly... without anger... not cringing or backing off... but not taking it personally... when I acknowledge the other person’s feelings... they don’t know what’s happening... and their attitude is usually softened.. because their unconscious mind is confused by my behaviour. Remember the Storm Troopers in Star Wars? When told by Obi-wan... ‘these are not the Droids you’re looking for’... completely confused... by a few words...
#7 That Old Black Magic... Sinatra
You may have heard me talk about EFT before... but if not, I’d like to introduce you to what’s known as Emotional Freedom Techniques... that’s based on acupuncture points... but without needles... which helps reduce any conflicts in the mind... and any negative emotion... because just doing the tapping helps balance the emotional energy systems of the body. If you’d like to follow along with me...
- First identify what you’re feeling... maybe something that happened today or yesterday... or maybe someone who’s getting to you... making you feel... what exactly? You know what I mean... how does it feel?.. and where do you feel it?
- Maybe it’s giving you a headache... or a sick feeling... or an uneasy feeling in your chest... whatever it is...
- Start tapping the Karate Chop Point... the outer edge of one hand below the little finger... with the fingertips of the other hand... taking a few deep breaths... while focussing on what you’re feeling...
- Take a deep breath ... then say out loud...
- Even though I’m feeling... disturbed...
- I completely love and accept myself anyway...
- Even though I’m feeling ... sick to my stomach...
- I accept that it makes me want... to hide... run away... hit out...
- Even though I always get this feeling when..............................
- I forgive myself for letting this feeling get to me... I’m doing the best I can...
- WRISTS... inside wrists together... I accept this feeling of...
- Back of hand, below the 3rd ring finger... I accept this feeling of...
- TOP OF HEAD... this feeling... why not just let it go...
- Collarbone... Chest... (take a long deep breath)... I can decide to take responsibility for my feelings... accept my life... just as it is... I can choose to appreciate all the good things in my life... and focus on all that I love... and those who love me... I fill my heart with all that love... until it overflows into all the cells of my body... and makes my whole body feel good...
- Keep breathing while you’re tapping your chest... until you feel loving energy moving through your body... and give thanks for this energy...
There’s more to it than this of course... and you may need help... because when you start a dialogue with yourself... it can lead to new a understanding... about yourself and your life. It may seem strange at first... to say that you accept how bad you feel... but just think about it... when you try to ignore your feelings... when you repress your anxiety... and hope it will go away... does it? Well... NO! It just gets worse... keeps churning away inside... Right?
When you do this simple exercise regularly... when you wake up and go to the bathroom... while taking a shower... waiting for the kettle to boil... or when you find yourself staring into space... those feelings begin to dissolve... you begin to feel easier... and the more you do this, the better you feel about yourself and the easier it is to accept, love and forgive yourself... and others... just try it and see...
#8 Suo Gan... Song of Slumber... Traditional Welsh lullaby... Stella Dickinson on Oboe
(FADE>>> talk over... )
Whenever you’re feeling disturbed... or restless... give yourself a break. Now and then... take a walk in nature... somewhere quiet... by yourself... if you can... or go somewhere beautiful... in your mind... maybe some special memory... or a place where you feel safe... at peace with yourself... breathe deeply... slowing down each breath... relaxing into yourself... noticing whatever you see... or hear... anything you sense... without any judgement... slowing down the mind... all those thoughts whirling around in your mind... just let them float way... like little puffs of smoke... slowing down... relaxing the body... breathing slow and easy... just BEING... with yourself... and notice how that feels... with a peaceful mind... and love in your heart...
The best way to feel good about life... is to cultivate an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. You know... Count Your Blessings...
The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here.
The way to be happy is to make others so.
The way to be happy is to make others so.
#9 I’m Happy Just to Dance With You... Beatles
So... how about counting your blessings. Why not write them down... right now... get a paper and pen... and start thinking of all the things you’re grateful for. I’m so grateful to be living in such a beautiful part of the world... as I drive around Snowdonia. But even if you can’t get out and about... we can be grateful for the little things... even the little weed that’s sprung up through the paving on the patio and started to flower... that’s beautiful. And most of all... list your appreciation for all the people you know and love... I think we don’t do that often enough... and tell them how you feel...
#10 The Last Rose of Summer... Claire Hamilton, Celtic Harp
We love to hear from you... just to let us know how you enjoy these programs... brought to you by volunteers... who hope to bring you some relaxation and pleasure while you’re here in Glan Clwyd.This one is for Mark, who’s been a fan of Elton John for many long years...
#11 Rocket Man... Elton John
I’d like to thank you all for accompanying me on this journey today and I trust you’ve enjoyed my take on Life, the Universe and Everything... which I hope will help on your journey through life... and this is Patsy Wynne signing off for today... from Radio Glan Clwyd... and remember... Always look on the bright side...
#12 Always look on the Bright side of Life... Monty Python...