Monday 16 January 2012


Inside the dome of St Paul's
As a Life Coach and Therapist, I always advise my clients to… “use it or lose it!” but I have to admit that last year I almost lost it! I always thought of myself as fit and healthy… walking, cycling and swimming quite regularly … but last winter, what with the cold, snow and icy conditions, all I wanted to do was retreat into my cosy den like an old bear and hibernate, with the result that, with weakened legs, the knees began to give way.  Not good for someone of my age… I was having trouble getting up two flights of stairs to my flat… and it can happen so easily! 

So, for the past few months I’ve been doing as much as I can to strengthen those wasted muscles and weak tendons, which is taking much time and effort, blood, sweat and tears.  

 After a little physiotherapy, which didn’t do a lot except cost me, some acupuncture, which helped to reduce the pain, plenty of walking, fantastic Thai massage (in Thailand), weekly Bollywood dancing, which helped loosen up all the stiff joints and finally the rigours of a Keep Fit Boot Camp 3 times a week, and now weekly Yoga class, which I’ll be keeping up for the foreseeable future.  

It was scary for me to realise how unfit I’d become, but now I know that even at my age it’s possible to regain fitness, when you have the motivation to do it.  I have no desire to end my days on a Zimmer or riding an electric buggy into town, tempting as that may be!  
This was only half-way up!

I’m happy to report that last weekend on a trip to London with my daughter, I was able to climb over 600 steps to the top of St Paul’s and back down, with nothing more serious than wobbly legs for a few minutes after.   I’m very proud of that achievement and intend to get even fitter this year. 
Anything’s possible… so take heart and believe you can achieve anything you really want!   

At Greenwich I have one foot in the West and one in the East.
On the Greewich Meridian

1 comment:

Catherine Woods said...

Hurrah for you!

In August 2010, my nearly 83-year-old mother broke her femur, just above where her knee replacement joined that bone. And because she always imagined she'd walk again, she willingly worked hard with her physiotherapist and diligently attended the aquaerobics and t'ai chi classes offered at her place of residence. And yes indeed, she can walk once again and has healed well. When she went to see the orthopedic surgeon for her final appointment, he was both very pleased and very surprised, as most people with as serious a break as she had at her age never walk again.

Yes I agree, use it or lose it! Hurrah for Mom and once again, hurrah for you!