Saturday, 21 March 2009

4 weeks

In the four weeks since returning from my travels, I've settled back into my comfortable little home, my comfortable bed where I sleep too well and a comfortable, if boring routine, but it seems much longer. There are plenty of things to do, sorting out all the little problems that accumulated while I was away, but I'm missing the excitement of going somewhere new every day. At first the weather was cold with snow on the hills, but as the weather improved this last week, I took every opportunity to get out and about.

It's been like spring, if still a little cool, with daffodils and blossoms everywhere and I'm constantly struck by the beauty of this country that rivals anywhere abroad. Last weekend I visited Julie on Anglesey and after a walk along the coast where she lives, we sat by her log fire in the evening drinking wine and reminiscing. One lovely day after lunch at Annie's I sat in her country garden just enjoying the warmth of the sun. Then a day out with both daughters to Llandewyn Island, a long walk along the beach with distance views of the mountains, which was really beautiful.

One thing that always strikes me on returning home from abroad is how very beautiful this country is, with scenery to rival anywhere else. So I'll post a few pics of where I live...

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Back to 'Normal'

I've now been home for 12 days and still don't have Broadband connected! Happily, my laptop just arrived by post (I sent it back from Perth as I was carrying too much for comfort) and now find that I'm able to 'piggyback' on a local unsecured connection, so thanks to whoever is making this possible! I've been having serious withdrawal symptoms while not able to surf the net at will! 

After all the excitement of the last few months, it's not easy settling back into life here. I find I'm sleeping a lot and watching TV, which is something I've not done for so long. One thing I am doing is going for a swim some mornings and also walking as much as possible to counteract all the food I've been eating. Anyway, there's a lot of mail to sort through and matters to settle. Thank goodness my insurance is OK to cover not only the loss of my cellphone, but the £600 of calls the thieves ran up before I discovered it had gone!

Now its time to focus on getting some workshops organised to help us all survive the credit crunch.