Tuesday, 26 April 2011


#          Good Vibrations... Beach Boys
This is Patsy Wynne inviting you to share the next hour with me... enjoying my choice of music... which sometimes surprises me... and always delights... WELCOME to whoever’s listening in hospital... and to those who may be listening online... HELLO to you too!
Spring is really here... everything bursting into life... blossoms everywhere... giving me the earliest hay fever I’ve ever had! So today I’m thinking about SPRING... and what it means...
#1        Spring, spring, spring... Bing Crosby & Fred Astaire
Spring... when a young man’s fancy turns to.. well, we all know where a young man’s fancy leads!  I’ll be contributing my thoughts on that... in between the records... which I hope will make you smile... as you recall happy memories... or simply lift your spirits... because for me... our ability to make MUSIC... and the effect is has on our emotions... is something very special..
#2        Mountain Greenery... Mel Torme... 
~ If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. ~ Anne Bradstreet
SPRING... you know how A Spring is a never-ending source of pure water... and this Spring season is a never-ending source of new life... an urge to renew... to spring-clean... and coming out of the long, dark depths of winter... don’t we feel a new spring in our step? At least a desire to get out of the usual routine of life... an urge to get out and do something different.
#3        It might as well be spring... Astrud Gilberto... 
It’s said that... ~‘Hope springs eternal in the human breast.’~
True, isn’t it... we’re always hoping for something better... and Easter, of course, is the epitome of NEW LIFE... with the Easter Bunnies... baby chicks... and EGGS... all symbols of new life... But it’s also about sacrifice... of negative attitudes... old ways of being... out-dated beliefs... habitual ways of thinking and doing things... into a RENEWED way of life... a higher quality of consciousness... of who you are... and what you can achieve... to know that when you’re feeling down and out... the only way is UP! 
#4        Feelin’ Good... Nina Simone... 

~Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~ Robin Williams
But maybe you’re not feeling ‘full of the joys of spring’.  Maybe you’re feeling more like the bottom of the dung-heap!!
This is one way I deal with any negative emotions... I  practise a technique known as EFT... that’s based on acupuncture points... but without needles... which always helps reduce any conflicts in the mind... and any negative emotion... because just doing the tapping helps balance the emotional energy systems of the body.  If you’d like to follow along with me...
  • First identify where you’re feeling negative... in your mind... when your mind just goes round in ever decreasing circles... thinking there’s no way out of your situation... maybe in your heart... where you feel a heaviness... or sadness ... or physically in your body... maybe aching or painful... so tired... no energy... maybe your ‘get up and go’, just got up and went... and it won’t come back... no matter what you do.
  • Start tapping the outer edge of one hand below the little finger... with the fingertips of the other hand... taking a few deep breaths... while focussing on what you’re feeling...
  • Take a deep breath ... then say out loud...
  •  Even though I feel this... (sadness and depression)................ (or whatever)
  • I completely love and accept myself...
  • Even though I have this feeling of (heaviness in my heart)...
  • I completely love and accept myself...
  • Even though this feeling... (whatever it is)... has been stopping me getting on with the life I really want for myself...
  • I forgive myself for whatever I’ve done in my life that’s resulted in hurting myself and others...  and maybe I can find something... or do something... that will help me feel better about myself... that will help me get on with life...
  • WRISTS... this sadness... (whatever)
  • TOP OF HEAD... who needs to be depressed? I love myself... and I’d like to choose to be whole again... why would I choose to live under a cloud? Who needs it? Maybe I could just let it go... move out from under this cloud... be free again. Maybe I could just choose to live my life in a different way...
Repeat this as often as you like... when you wake up and go to the bathroom... while taking a shower... waiting for the kettle to boil... or when you find yourself staring into space... start a dialogue with yourself... ask yourself... “Why would I choose this?”... “Could I just let it go?” and wait for your unconscious mind to answer... while you’re tapping. It’s  a good habit... you begin to feel easier...  and the more you do this, the better you feel about yourself and the easier it is to accept, love and forgive everyone else... just try it and see...
#5        Morning has broken... Cat Stevens 
We always welcome your requests for a particular record, or a mention of someone or something special. Maybe you have an interesting or funny story to tell, connected to a special song. We’d love to hear from you.   You can contact Radio Glan Clwyd on Extension 4360 or 01745-584229, or ask someone to do that for you.
And here’s a request for Fil and Kim... back home in Slough...
#6        When you were sweet 16... The Furies
Ah... memories of yesterday... it’s tempting to think back to how things were... when we were young and carefree... or were we... really?  We like to think so... but those long, hot summers were probably much shorter-lived than we remember... and the spring-time of our first romance... that we recall as so romantic...  was it really so good? So why didn’t it last?  Ok... it is a good thing we hold onto the happy memories and forget the bad... that’s what makes life sweet... 
#7        Young at heart... Sinatra
Well... I believe the secret to a happy life is to ACCEPT whatever happens to us... as opportunities to learn about who we are... to adjust the way we respond to life... and to accept who we are... with all our faults as well as all our good qualities.
(But we must also FORGIVE ourselves for whatever we know we’ve done wrong... all the times we’ve hurt someone... or forgotten to value others... or failed to appreciate what we have.  There’s no point in beating ourselves up about it... because... most importantly... it’s important to love ourselves... to cultivate the ability to live in the vibration of LOVE... to love someone, not because they love you... but because you love yourself!   I know it’s not always easy to achieve that... because we get into the habit of blaming ourselves... or blaming others! And that just sends us into a downward spiral of negativity and depression.)
So... I accept myself... as I am... and I love myself anyway. I forgive myself for whatever I might have done in my life that’s resulted in hurting myself and others.
#8        Standing Stone... Paul McCartney... (FADE while talking...)
Whenever you’re feeling down... sad or depressed... give yourself a break.  Now and then... take a walk somewhere quiet... by yourself... if you can... or go somewhere beautiful... in your mind... maybe some special memory... of a place where you feel safe... at peace with yourself... breathe deeply and just relax into yourself... noticing whatever you see... or hear... anything you sense... without any judgement... slowing down the mind... all those thoughts whirling around in your mind... just let them float way... like puffs of smoke... slowing down... relaxing the body... breathing slow and easy... just BEING... with yourself... and notice how that feels... with a peaceful mind... bringing joy into your heart...
#9        The 59th Street Bridge song... Simon and Garfunkel 
#10      Isn’t this a lovely day... Billie Holliday... 
One of the Great ladies of song...
#11      A beautiful noise... Neil Diamond...
I’d like to thank you all for accompanying me on this journey today and I trust you’ve enjoyed my take on Life, the Universe and Everything... I’ll be back for another journey in music and song next week, when maybe you’ll join me again.... and this is Patsy Wynne signing off for today... from Radio Glan Clwyd...  

Picures taken at glorious Bodnant Gardens this month. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2011


 The script for today's show... with music!  Just sing along... and enjoy!
#1        Upside Down... Diana Ross...
Well, I’ll be contributing my thoughts on BALANCE... in between the records... which I hope will make you smile... as you recall happy memories... or simply lift your spirits... because for me... our ability to make MUSIC... and the effect is has on our emotions... is very special...
#2        Light Flight... Pentangle        
Talking about BALANCE... Have you ever had an inner ear infection?  Well, my daughter has it... and if you’ve ever had it... you’ll know how it affects your balance... makes you dizzy... and sick... like seasickness. It becomes difficult to function when you feel like that. We take our balance so much for granted... don’t we?  Until we lose it... maybe miss our footing and fall...
#3        Falling in love with love...  Allan Jones.... (a bit old that one!)
Have you noticed how many songs are about falling in love? Love that sends us into a spin... and we become unbalanced... how we lose all perspective... and rational thinking... carried along by a tidal wave of emotion...
#4        That old black magic called love... Sinatra
 ‘In a spin... loving the spin I’m in’... Yes... feeling dizzy with love can be a wonderful thing! Good thing it doesn’t last! But what if someone becomes obsessed... and won’t leave it be? They’ve become unbalanced... in their desire for love... that’s not good for anyone! It’s not even romantic! But sometimes... we just can’t help falling in love...
#5        Can’t help falling in love with you... Andy Williams
Everything we do in life requires BALANCE... just standing and walking... watch a small child learning to stand up and take its first steps... what we now take for granted... but we had to learn how to keep our balance.  Remember when you first learned to ride a bicycle?
#6        Send in the clowns...  Judy Collins
We always welcome your requests for a particular record, or a mention of someone or something special. Maybe you have an interesting or funny story to tell, connected to a special song. We’d love to hear from you.   You can contact Radio Glan Clwyd on Extension 4360 or 01745-584229, or ask someone to do that for you.
#7        If you go away... Jack Jones 
This is one way I deal with any emotional imbalance... I  practise a technique known as EFT... that’s based on acupuncture points... but without needles... which always helps reduce any conflicts in the mind... and any negative emotion... because just doing the tapping helps balance the emotional energy systems of the body.  If you’d like to follow along with me...
First identify where you feel unbalanced... in your mind... when your mind just goes round in ever decreasing circles... in your heart... when you’re not sure how really you feel about something or someone... or physically in your body... maybe you feel dizzy or unsteady...
I’ll focus on the dizziness and nausea that Julie’s been experiencing... and I believe this virus has been going around for some time... so maybe you’ve had it... or still have it...
  • Start tapping the outer edge of one hand below the little finger... with the fingertips of the other hand... taking a few deep breaths... while focussing on what you’re feeling...
  • Take a deep breath ... then say out loud...
  •  Even though I feel unbalanced... like being seasick................. (or whatever)
  • I completely love and accept myself...
  • Even though I have this feeling of being dizzy... and unbalanced...
  • I completely love and accept myself...
  • Even though this feeling... that I’m dizzy and unbalanced... has been stopping me getting on with life...
  • I forgive myself for whatever I’ve done in my life that’s resulted in hurting myself and others...  maybe I can find the right BALANCE point... that will help me get on with life...
  • WRISTS... this dizzy feeling... I’ve lost my BALANCE...... 
  • TOP OF HEAD... who needs this dizziness? I choose to be balanced again...
Repeat this as often as you like... when you wake up and go to the bathroom... while taking a shower... waiting for the kettle to boil... or when you find yourself staring into space... it’s a good habit... you begin to feel easier...  and the more you do this, the better you feel about yourself and the easier it is to accept, love and forgive everyone else... just try it and see...
#8        Pick yourself up... Mel Torme..
Have you ever seen a high-wire walker? How they achieve that fine balance is a wonder... but the same principles apply to driving a car... or flying an aircraft... everything we do is subject to a system of checks and balances.  And it’s no different with anything in life. Are you getting where you want to... achieving your goals in life... or do you get sidetracked... bogged down in murky dead ends? Or are you going too fast?... risking a crash... or being pulled up for speeding. Well... you may think it would be boring to cruise along at a steady pace... relaxed... but aware of everything going on around you... checking your speed... watching the fuel gauge... taking regular breaks... but that’s what gets the tortoise to the finish line ahead of the erratic hare!
#10      Old and Wise... Alan Parsons Project...
We get older and wiser... by remembering to check our BALANCE... in every area of life... and love... and a Life Coach can help you assess where you can make adjustments... so your life becomes simpler... and easier to manage... so you can get into a more comfortable state of mind... to cope with all the stress... and pressures of life... with confidence... in yourself...
#11      Busy doing nothing...Bing Crosby and friends
The question is... where might your life be unbalanced? “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”... and I’d like to add... “All play and no work makes Jill a lazy girl”!  Too much of anything is unbalanced... and though it may seem dull to some... moderation in all things makes for a more healthy life... with an occasional indulgence to make life exciting. Doesn’t suit everyone, of course.  Are you the kind of person who’s always busy, busy, busy...? Looking after things... looking after other people... because you think you have to?  Or its expected of you? Well now... give yourself a break! 
#          Albatross... Fleetwood Mac               (FADE DOWN... while talking...)
Now and then... take a walk somewhere quiet... by yourself... if you can... or go somewhere beautiful... in your mind... maybe some special memory... of a place where you feel safe... at peace with yourself... breathe deeply and just relax into yourself... noticing whatever you see... or hear... anything you sense... without any judgement... slowing down the mind... all those thoughts whirling around in your mind... just let them float way... like puffs of smoke... slowing down... relaxing the body... breathing slow and easy... just BEING... with yourself... and notice how that feels... with a peaceful mind... and joy in your heart...
#12      Stuck in the middle with you... Stealers Wheel
When you find the BALANCE in your life... you’re capable of dealing with anything life deals out... with a relaxed attitude... and confidence in yourself.
We love to hear from you... just to let us know how you enjoy these programs... brought to you by volunteers... who hope to bring you some relaxation and pleasure while you’re here in Glan Clwyd.
#13      Fire and Rain... James Taylor 
I’d like to thank you all for accompanying me on this journey today and I trust you’ve enjoyed my take on Life, the Universe and Everything... I’ll be back for another journey in music and song next week, when maybe you’ll join me again.... and this is Patsy Wynne signing off for today... from Radio Glan Clwyd... 
# 14     Always look on the Bright side of Life... Monty Python...