Tuesday 2 August 2011


This is the basis of my interview for the 'More To Life' magazine on U-Tube, which some may not have seen or been able to hear properly. However, I realise that what I actually said is not quite what I'd scripted! What I'm aiming to put across is the idea of Life as a Process and that sometimes this process is beyond our comprehension... like trying to construct a cupboard from a flatpack without clear instructions! OK... maybe we can struggle through and hopefully the result will not be too wonky... but how much better the result when you have help from someone who's done it before.  That's Coaching!  I trust you find this interesting... and if so, please feel free to forward to anyone else who may like to read it.

Q 1:    Would you like to introduce yourself and tell us what you do...
My name is Patricia Wynne and I’m a Personal Life Process Coach, primarily using EFT and other Meridian Energy techniques. My aim is to help clients through the difficult times of life and to empower women especially with the confidence to achieve whatever they decide they want in life. 

Q 2:    What qualifies you to offer that?
Like many women of my age, it seems that all my life I’ve been looking after other people. I was brought up in our family guesthouse, so learned about respecting the guests in the house, bringing them morning tea and serving at mealtimes.  After I married, I had 6 children and subsequently a second marriage with 2 step-children, which kept me very busy.  When the children left home and my marriage ended, I didn’t know how I could earn a living, so I ended up as a housekeeper/ nanny and later as a carer for the elderly and infirm.   Finally I moved in with my ageing parents to care for them as my mother had Alzheimer’s and my dad wasn’t coping with her very well.   
Now I know that many people, women especially, will relate to what I’m saying because we are the ones who usually pick up the pieces; we are the ones that do what has to be done. Women often bear the brunt of keeping families together and looking after elderly relatives.  Now I loved my parents and I wanted to look after them to the best of my ability but in reality I was overworked and underpaid with very little help from anywhere, until finally my health suffered and I had serious back problems.  So that was that; they had to go into care immediately because there was no one else to do what I’d been doing. I learned a lot from those years of caring and what I learned about myself and my emotions; those feelings of frustration, resentment and even anger, prompted me to want to understand more about interpersonal relationships. So I began to train... first in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, then Counselling, NLP and Meridian Energy techniques, especially EFT.  And I’ve never stopped learning, reading books... attending seminars and listening to inspirational people.  There’s so much information available; in books... Cygnus have wonderful books, magazines, such as More to Life and on the internet. I listen to audios, mainly from America, almost every day. Such inspiring people as Marianne Williamson... Barbara Marx Hubbard... Neil Donald Walsh... Bruce Lipton... Donna Eden... to name just a few. 

Q 3:    What do you feel passionate about?
I’m very passionate about helping women who feel disempowered; when they’re trapped in a situation they believe they can never escape. That’s how I feel about carers, whether they do that professionally or for someone close to home; that could be a wife, husband, child or elderly relative. They need all the help they can get and not only in practical ways.  Care work can be personally satisfying and financially rewarding, but it can also be soul-destroying. It can bring out the best and the worst in people and I have first-hand experience of this. Many women get into care work because they have no qualifications for anything else, as I did, and we’re expected to just get on with it, as we’ve always done, with no proper training or constructive advice.  I’ve been writing a book about this that addresses the emotional crises that carers have to deal with, not only in their clients, but also in themselves. 

Q 4:    What do you mean by Personal Life Process Coaching?
For years I’ve called myself a therapist because I use therapeutic techniques but now I’m focussed more on Coaching and Mentoring, because LIFE IS  A PROCESS.  I see life as a D-I-Y project; each one of us builds our own life and whether it’s a good life, well constructed, or one that’s not fit to live it, it’s an 'inside job'.  Now any coach will ask the question... ‘What do you want’... But many people have a hard job answering that because it’s easier to know what we DON’T want, when our wants, our passions and desires have so often been repressed. The energy gets blocked, we’re stuck and just can’t move on in life when we feel helpless and frustrated.  So when you know what you don’t want, but don’t know what you want... you could use some help and support to process those more disturbing and unwanted emotions and as  I’ve found EFT is one of the most effective ways of doing that, I teach every client how to use this technique so they can tap on any emotional issue at any time; it’s a great tool for first-aid.  I don’t fix anyone... what I do is take them through the process of learning how to fix themselves.
So the Life Process is all about learning about ourselves; acknowledging the things we don’t like about ourselves while  also developing all our positive qualities to find our own self-esteem and confidence... and that’s why I call it Personal  Life Process  Coaching

Q 5:    Can you explain how EFT works, very simply?
Emotional Freedom Techniques originated in America in the late 90’s but is now becoming well known in this country and all over the world.  EFT is based on the system of Energy Meridians known to Chinese medicine for thousands of years... which is now very familiar to us in the west through the practise of Acupuncture.  There are now several techniques based on this, EFT being one of the most easy to learn and simple to use.
Basically we use a tapping procedure that becomes second nature when practised regularly, while we engage the mind by recalling a disturbing thought, feeling or experience. As we accept the emotional disturbance we say it out loud...  “I accept this... whatever I’m feeling... I love myself anyway... and I forgive myself... for anything I may have done to contribute towards this situation... and I’d like to forgive others... for whatever they may have done... ”
That’s the basis of EFT... to ACCEPT... LOVE AND FORGIVE. 
This brings in the principles of NLP... how thoughts affect our emotions... which determines our actions and behaviour... it’s a never-ending spiral.  Here in the West we tend to think of the mind and body as being separate and we’re still learning how they each affect the other.  EFT helps bring the mind and body together and while we’re tapping on these meridian points... we’re not only re-framing the mind, the way we think about things but we’re also freeing life energy to move through the body, which allows a clearer connection to the universe... to God... Divine Source... however you feel about spirituality.  
This Personal Process approach works in a WHOlistic way... because it’s really connecting the Mind with Body and Spirit... and that’s what we all need right now to improve, not only the quality of our own lives , but of the whole world.

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