Monday 7 November 2011


#          Good Vibrations… 
Hello and welcome to Patsy’s Good Vibrations on Radio Glan Clwyd at 10 0’clock this Sunday morning… inviting you to share the next hour and a half with me... enjoying my choice of music... which sometimes surprises me... and always delights...HELLO to whoever’s listening in hospital... and to those who may be listening online... WELCOME to you too!
#1        That’s Life… Michael Buble
That's my theme for today... and when I look back on my life… all the ups and downs… the highs and the lows… disasters and achievements… sorrows and joys… there’s really nothing to say except… THAT'S LIFE!
#2        Good Morning… Singing in the Rain… Debbie Reynolds
I trust this is a good morning for you… and that you had a good night’s sleep… because there’s nothing worse than lying awake at night when all your troubles seem to multiply… like monsters looming out of the darkness… so I hope today to be playing the kind of music you enjoy... that can bring back happy memories and make you feel good... and I’d like to express some of my own thoughts, ideas and strategies that could help and inspire you as well.
When the world was young… before we knew what life had in store… and we still had our youthful hopes and dreams… but nothing stays the same… and no matter how young or old we may be… we can still hope and dream…
#3        Love is the Sweetest Thing... Bing Crosby
Yes... love is the sweetest thing... it’s such a shame that relationships that start with so much love, so often end in  tears! Why is that, I wonder?  Why do we so often allow love to slip away?
#4        Yesterday... Paul McCartney           
Sometimes love is kindled... passion is ignited... but like Romeo and Juliet... is doomed to end before its begun.  So sad... but however much we hurt... we have the capacity to survive almost anything. My philosophy is… what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger… so now I’m virtually indestructible…
#5        I will survive... Gloria Gaynor
So we survive the hurt feelings and move on... but you know the feeling that you’d like to get even... to hurt back?  Well so did Carly Simon...
#6        You’re so vain... Carly Simon 
So what can we do to stop this cycle of falling in love and breaking up... over and over again?
The thing is... you can’t keep doing the same thing and expect things to be different.
So  we keep falling in love with the same kind of person… and wonder why it always ends in disaster… until we wake up and change the pattern… because we attract what is familiar…
What we say to ourselves tends to becomes our reality. Keep telling yourself you’re useless and you’ll come to believe it... and what’s more other people will treat you as if you’re useless.  If you say ‘I can’t’... you’d be right! Interesting, isn’t it?  Start telling yourself how good you are... and you will be!
#7        What Kind of Fool am I?  Perry Como
The way we think and how we feel determine the way we speak, which affects the way we behave. So when someone says something spiteful or disparaging... they are simply expressing a feeling-thought of envy or jealousy, which makes them act mean. Now they may not mean to act mean... but they’ve got into the habit of taking out their frustration with life on other people, because they don’t know how to deal with their own feeling-thoughts... if that makes sense! Good... When  I become aware that I’m complaining about something or someone... I’ve learned to use EFT to deal with any disturbing emotions.
Those of you who’ve heard my show before will know that I usually give an introduction to EFT... that’s Emotional Freedom Techniques… and the whole point of doing this is to FREE yourself of any emotions that still make you feel disturbed about yourself or anyone else.
So now I’d like you to think about any feelings that disturb you when you think of someone in particular... any emotional feelings... of frustration or resentment… anger or jealousy… whatever you feel. Now rate that feeling on a scale of 0 to 10... 10 being the very worst feeling you can get. (Write down the number if you can... and name that feeling.)  
Start by tapping the fleshy side of your hand... below the little finger... we call that the Karate Chop... and take a long deep breath. Keep tapping and say out loud... if you can..
Even though I’ve been  feeling ...this …….…   I deeply and completely love myself anyway…
Even though I wish that ‘so-and-so’ didn’t treat me so badly... I feel so angry... I’m so hurt... but I love myself anyway... and I accept that they must be really hurting somewhere inside to be so hurtful and so thoughtless...  
Even though I’ve been feeling... this ………
 I forgive myself for having this feeling… its only a thought after all… making me feel this way… And even though I want to hurt them back... I’d like to think I could forgive them... if that would do any good... might make me feel better... not to feel so angry...  
Take another deep breath... and now we start tapping around the face.. 
1st point... right between the eyebrows... just above the nose... tap with 3-4 fingers... and say... this feeling of……..
2nd point... at the side of the eye right on the corner... either side... and say... maybe they were just passing on how they were feeling…
3rd point... under the eye on the cheekbone... this feeling of…..…
4th point... right under the nose... maybe I could choose to let it go…  
5th point... in the cleft of the chin right under the lip... this feeling of…
6th point... collarbone... at the top of the chest... I’d rather not have it…
7th point...  under arm… at the side of the ribs… this feeling of…
8th point…  top of head... and say... This feeling of....... who needs it? maybe I could just choose to let it go... because I’d rather feel love and peace… love and peace… 
Is that right?  Wouldn’t you rather live in the vibration of love and peace?
Take note now of how that feeling might have changed.  Has the number gone up or down?
You can repeat that sequence of EFT any time on your own… or while we play the next track… so just let go of all that dead weight…
#8        50 Ways to Lose a Lover... Paul Simon
You know... it’s the conflict that goes on in our minds that causes so much stress... but when we begin to recognise what’s happening... then we can begin to deal with it.
This is a story that I love to tell my clients that helps to understand this conflict...
A grandfather told his grandson about the conflict that goes on inside each one of us.
"The battle is between two wolves," he said. "One wolf is called Evil, and it is
fear, anger, jealousy, lies, arrogance, guilt, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other wolf uses almost the same letters in his name, which shows how close they are to each other. This wolf is called Life, and it is love, peace, truth, hope, humility, kindness, and compassion."
The grandson thought about this for a few moments and then asked, "Which wolf wins, Grandpa?"
"The one you feed," the grandfather replied.
So there you have it... Love is the only answer... to achieve Harmony and Peace in our life. Sounds easy? That’s the message from the Beatles...
#9        All you need is Love... Beatles
I don’t know if you are up with modern technology... but I’m so grateful for the internet... because I receive many newsletters by email, from people wiser than I am... individuals who’ve overcome obstacles and succeeded in whatever they want to do... who’ve decided to pass on the information... the insights and inspiration that have helped them through their difficulties. These are often new ways of thinking... new ways of living life... outside the box of habits and expectations.
Here’s one example... this is a newsletter from Neale Donald Walsh... the author of a series of books... Conversations with God... you may have heard of them even if you haven’t read them.
He says...
·         On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
that there will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.
It will look as if your life is over, and that everything you have worked for has collapsed. But actually, a new life has just begun.
It is so trite, I know, but I must say it anyway.
"For every door that closes, there is another that opens." 
This is the door you have been looking for...but you could not hope to find it while you were locked behind the first one.”
How does that sound to you?
#10      What a Wonderful World… Eva Cassidy & Katie Melua  CD #8
Don’t forget that we always welcome your requests for a particular record, or a mention of someone or something special... and if you have an interesting or funny story to tell, connected to a special song... we’d love to hear from you.   You can contact Radio Glan Clwyd by phone on 01745-584229... or if you’re here in hospital, on Extension 4360, or ask one of the volunteers going around the wards. And you can also listen online at...
And if you joined in with the EFT and would like to know more about it… you can find it online… lots of information there… or drop me a line here at the Studio in Glan Clwyd
I saw Louis Armstrong when I was a teenager... when he played in Liverpool... and it was wonderful!
#11      What is Love… Alison Moyet
I hope in this show to be playing the kind of music you enjoy... that can bring back happy memories and make you feel good... and I’d like to express some of my own thoughts, ideas and strategies that could inspire you as well.
#12      This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius... Hair… Andy Williams
When I was young I wanted to put the world to rights... although I never actually went on marches... or burned my bra... I was never a militant feminist... but as a true Aquarian... my heart was with all those who were ready to stand up for what is right and fair...
#13      We’re gonna Change the World... Matt Monroe
I have a series of sayings... and I hope you enjoy this selection...
Do you have a skeleton in the cupboard? Are you trying to ignore something by sweeping it under the carpet? If this something keeps bugging you and won’t go away NOW is the time to do something about it. So bring it out and take a good look at it.
Just how scary can it be?
When you can look at anything objectively without fear or judgement you are ready to accept whatever life brings with joy and gratitude.
#14      Fool if you think it’s over... Chris Rea  
You know when you’re in conflict with yourself... when your body gets all tight... your hands start to clench... or you find you’re grinding your teeth. How can you get out of that?
Well... you can always take the dog for a walk... or go to the gym... just do something to release that tension. But when you can’t... like when you’re here in hospital... or at night when you can’t sleep... this is one way I get to relax... without watching the Tele! 
So if you’d like to do this now... follow along with me... and... **Just focus on your breathing... slowing down with each breath... for a couple of minutes... breathing slow and easy... relaxing your body... releasing the tension in every muscle... sinking down into the bed or chair... with every breath... and relaxing your mind... letting each thought float by... with every breath... any thoughts floating away like little balloons... only aware of each breath... and my voice... just for the moment... until you feel completely relaxed... free of all bodily sensation... sinking down into a comfortable relaxation... does that feel good...
and NOW... while you’re relaxing... bring to mind someone you really love... or some memory that always makes you feel really happy... and feel that love and joy filling your heart. Magnify that feeling in your heart... with every breath... filling your heart with love and joy... like a big pink balloon... and hold that love and joy in your heart... you can tie off the balloon to contain that feeling.... and bring it back whenever you need to remind yourself of how good you can feel.**
You can do this while you’re lying in bed... or sitting in your chair... bring that feeling into your heart... all those feelings of gratitude for the people you love... even those who’ve moved on... and appreciate your friends... because a true friend is like gold-dust!
#15      I just called to say I love you... Stevie Wonder
If you feel unloved... you can give yourself all the love you need... just keep telling yourself you’re surrounded with love... and you’re doing OK...
Do you find yourself frowning? Do you clench your jaw or get a shoulder ache? When you become aware of any tension in your body, just stop, take a deep breath and let yourself relax..
Look at things from another angle. See the funny side of life and practice smiling.
Allowing yourself to enjoy life to the full means that your body, mind and spirit stay in the very best condition.     So exercise your smile muscles and give yourself a break.
As the saying goes... ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you... Cry, and you cry alone!’... so true.
#16      Life is just a Bowl of Cherries...
Just imagine how much better life can be when you change your perception! If you feel unloved… you have the power to give yourself all the love you need…just keep telling yourself you’re surrounded with loving energy… and you’re doing OK.   Think how powerful a smile can be… or a kind word… even just loving and compassionate thoughts… It’s my belief that as more and more people start to realise how each individual can have an influence on their own situation and the people they meet in life… the better the world can be! Maybe we can change the world... when we change the way we are... how about that for a positive attitude? 
#17      Love is in the Air… John Paul Young 
My time today is coming to an end and I’d like to thank you all for accompanying me on this journey today and I trust you’ve enjoyed my take on Life, the Universe and Everything... I’ll be back next Sunday morning at 10.0’clock… for another journey in music and song, when maybe you’ll be able to join me again... and this is Patsy Wynne signing off for today... from Radio Glan Clwyd...  and remember... Always look on the bright side of life...
#   Always look on the Bright side of Life... Monty Python...

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