Wednesday, 29 April 2009

On my Bike

As the weather improves I've had my bike out a couple of times recently. On Sunday I ventured around the Great Orme and although it was threatening rain I avoided a downpour while having coffee and cake in the only Cafe at the far end of the peninsula. A posse of Bikers came roaring up the road... see pic.

It's only about 8 miles around, but it gets quite steep as the road rises with the cliffs. The great part was coasting down the other side and took a fraction of the time to get back home.

When I got home, what I really wanted to do was go on and on, but the rain started coming down and I was ready for lunch.

Llawen on her new bike.

I went to Julie's new house with her daughter and grand-daughter on our bikes, but the track was really too bad to cycle, though it is drivable.
The Chalet is a tiny stone cottage built into the hillside, more like a monk's cell than a cottage! But the surroundings are magical, at least when the sun shines!!


Catherine Woods said...

Hi Pat --
I love these pics. They brought back memories of the beautiful Welsh landscape. Yes, Wales continues to be truly magical and what better way to see it than on a bike?! Hurrah for getting out and about, with your camera, no less, and then sharing.
With love and blessings,

Catherine Woods said...

P.S. Nice bikes (yours, and Llawnen's!

Catherine Woods said...

Oops, I meant to write "Llawen" and complete that parentheses. Oh well . . .

Unknown said...

oh wow, lady friend! You are so active! There is just NO WAY I could get my big butt up and around the Great (or the little) Orme!