Right now I'm in another beautiful part of the country. Almost a hundred miles from home, Shropshire is on the border of Wales and although it's in England, some of the country areas are still very Welsh. This is an area of rolling hills, not as grand as in Snowdonia, but gentler in its winding stone-walled country lanes and here, as the main road runs through a narrow valley, Church Stretton is a very attractive little town.
However, I'm not on holiday. When not earning enough with my therapeutic skills I look after an old lady in her own home and while this is not an ideal situation; my life is put on hold while I'm here, it does help to pay off debts incurred on my World trip! I know I'm doing a valuable service here and I'm lucky to be paid quite well. The lady is very nice, although incapacitated with Parkinsons, but it's a lovely place to be and very peaceful.

Hi Pat,
What a wonderful place to be. Congratulations on finding a way, while doing care work, to stay connected to the www!
Shropshire always conjures for me the Housman poem, "A Shropshire Lad" and this excerpt from St. Mawr by D. H. Lawrence:
"They came at last, trotting in file along a narrow track between heather, along the saddle of a hill, to where the knot of pale granite suddenly cropped out. It was one of those places where the spirit of aboriginal England still lingers, the old savage England, whose last blood flows still in a few Englishmen, Welshmen, Cornishmen. The rocks, whitish with weather of all the ages, jutted against the blue August sky, heavy with age-moulded roundnesses."
Thanks for that evocative excerpt... I feel quite emotional! Yes it's a privilege to live in such a lovely part of the world.
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