It's a long way to Glastonbury and six of us travelling in the 7-seater cab of a truck designed to transport workers short distances was not exactly comfortable for an over 200 mile journey. From leaving North Wales early last Monday morning... we intended leaving at 3am but actually set off at 5.45, only to return for Phil's phone half an hour later... we eventually arrived some time after midday to set up our camp.

Our camping site on the Green Crafts field was full of workers setting up tents of every description to display their crafts, from metalworking to weaving to jewellery making to pottery and everything in between, not to mention the various food tents. Tim, who does all the signs for the field, was provided with tickets so we were able to go in as a family... four generations with me and my daughter, her daughter and her daughter... and it was a great experience!
The first three days before the general public arrived were quite relaxing, but by Friday the peace was well and truly shattered by music of every description blaring from several large stages, often at the same time! As we were camped above the busy centre on the hillside, all the sounds floated up together, so I heard Bruce Springsteen late on Saturday night at a million decibels, while in my tent! (It seemed that all the speakers were turned up at night, the later the louder!)
This is my diary entry for Friday...
I'm sitting in the Peace field on the hill above our camp in the dying light of the setting sun, having worn myself out traipsing round the festival with Cathy, ploughing through thick gloopy mud from yesterday's rain in my boots, which are still drying out.
Noise all around from every part of this huge gathering; a low growling beat from far away mixed with the distinctive sound of reggae and some guitar playing nearby. Roaring swells from the crowds like howling gusts of wind or crashing waves on a beach. Now lights are going on all over the valley as the sun sinks lower in the red sky; maybe better weather tomorrow!
Up here on the hill the grass is still fresh and green, unlike down in the valley where it's become a mudbath!! I'm cleaning mud spashes off my clothes and thickly caked boots.