Anyway, it was very pleasant sitting in the sun, waiting for people to give us money. The important issue is 'What's it worth?' What I think it's worth is usually far higher than someone else's valuation. While some will pay what we ask, others will offer a ridiculously low figure, which we then haggle about. They get something really cheap and we get some cash to take home, which is what it's all about. All good fun!
I find these sales of other peoples' old stuff quite interesting. Mostly the stuff people are trying to get money for are the same sort of 'tat' filling other peoples' cupboards and attics. Annie's 'stuff' is of a higher quality and really too valuable for a Car Boot, although she knows the regular dealers who'll pay a good price for the right item. Unfortunately, the delightful camel didn't go this time.
Having unloaded most of my old stuff along with all the stuff I inherited from my parents, I only have clothes that have lived too long in my wardrobe without seeing the light of day. This can be difficult for me; I could be slim enough to wear that lovely dress one day. And how can I bear to throw out that favourite jacket, even though I've not worn it for the past year or few, because it's simply outdated!
This idea that some day I'll be the right size and shape to wear some beautiful garment is the 'stuff' of fantasy that goes with; 'One day my prince will come' and; 'When I win the lottery'. Sometimes it's not easy to be realistic and let go of those old dreams.
Maybe I could trade in those old outdated desires for new realistic goals. What value do I put on being that slim again? I can haggle with myself about that. When I recognise that it would take a lot of time and hard work to regain a sylph-like figure, which I may choose not to do at my age, I can make it my goal to eat healthily, take regular exercise and be happy with what I've got!
I'm happy with that, so now it's time to go out for a walk.
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