I just love writing and since I returned home I've been meeting and hearing from people who tell me how much they've enjoyed reading my blog, so I'm heartened to continue with my very personal musings about my travels, both out in the world and in the labyrinth of my mind.
I'd love to know who's reading this, so please click on the button to register yourself as a follower and leave a comment sometime... it costs nothing to communicate and I'd really appreciate it!
My claim to be wise is not because of something special about me, but simply that in my long life I've somehow managed to absorb so much of interest from the writings of others, both spiritual and psychological. The many fascinating books and newsletters that I constantly read, by others more wise and informed than I am, I believe are beginning to have an effect on our collective consciousness, which needs a serious overhaul if the human race is to survive much longer.
Maybe there was something about growing up during wartime Britain that convinced me at an early age that the World was coming to an end, yet somehow I learned to accept death as a necessary part of life and began to take an interest in religious ideals. I'm glad to say that I finally left religion behind in favour of higher and more interesting philosophies.
My real passion in life is disseminating information that will help others and especially the techniques that I've learned to help overcome the fears and limiting beliefs that hinder most of us at times from really enjoying life. It's taken most of my life to overcome my fear of just being me and going for what I want in life and thankfully I've learned to base my life on TRUST rather than on fear, which stunts growth and inhibits love and joy.
In spite of having a pension, for which I'm truly grateful, I still have to earn more in order to do the things I enjoy, which includes travelling and last year when I took the opportunity to go abroad, I paid for all my travel arrangements on Credit cards, trusting that I'd be able to earn enough to pay them off, which I'm managing quite well so far. Living on the edge can be risky but it stops me being too complacent!
Anyway, this morning I awoke with the idea of inviting anyone who needs the kind of help I can offer, to spend their holiday cash on some time with me here in Llandudno, to experience some intensive therapy; specifically EFT and Coaching.
I live in a top floor flat with a view of the Great Orme, only a few minutes walk to town and the Promenade in one direction and the quieter West Shore in the other. The Orme is a wonderful place to explore if you have the energy and I'd be happy to accompany you or take you on a guided tour of Snowdonia if there's time! Good homemade meals would be included; vegan, vegetarian or with fish as desired. My time would be yours for the time you're here, which could be anything from a day to a week, so how about it?
Who will Come to the Edge with me?
Oh how I enjoy reading your blog! It keeps me connected with you, and I realize how much I miss your presence here in Vietnam every time I read an entry. I would love to see where you live (post some photos on google earth of your apartment and the views from it). ha! Missing you!! - Michael
Miss you too Mike and sorry you can't visit this year!
May your vision of receiving "holiday cash" in exchange for the wonderful intensive therapy you offer come to fruition. What a glorious setting for it!
With love and blessings,
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