Saturday, 7 November 2009

Oldies but Goodies

Spending the weekend with a lady of advanced years and suffering from Parkinson's, but not yet ready to give up on life! She paints (not as well as she used to) and plays the mouth organ (quite badly,) still walks the dog and drives her car locally, but thankfully no further afield. She enjoys cooking, although not eating much. Her lifelong friend came for supper; two old girls sharing a great sense of humour. Her house is full of her paintings of boats and coastal views from her sailing days with her husband. Such an interesting old lady; I reckon she's had a good life and probably with more to come!

Jude's 'playroom', where she paints and plays the piano.

I can't believe that in 5 days I'll be flying abroad once more! I've been so busy with one thing and another that it seemed so far away, and suddenly the time is almost here! I've been waking in the night remembering things to do and just hope I've done everything I'm supposed to; tickets, visa, insurance... oh yes... passport!


Catherine Woods said...

Hi Pat,

That was quite a lovely story about Jude. It's wonderful that her long-time friend is still around to share laughs with her! And it was lovely you got to witness this.

So, it seems we'll hear from you next when you're in Vietnam. Safe travels!

With love and blessings,

Unknown said...

Hi ma, so did you make it ok? I'm sure you did but i'd like to hear how it went so write a blog and put our minds at rest. With love, rich x