Mark's private students came here this morning especially for Mark's favourite English Breakfast; their lesson for the day. They're still learning vocabulary and this week is all about food and the kitchen. So he cooked them bacon and eggs with tomatoes and toast although we had no mushrooms or baked beans. They enjoyed it anyway.
Meanwhile, I was at my laptop, which has been acting up, applying programmes to clean up and delete unnecessary files etc. All these things take up so much time! Most of the morning if you can believe that. However, now it does seem to be running faster.
As I had no classes to prepare I did some downloading for Mark. He wants images for his classes of things like... a bottle of beer, a can of beans, a cup of tea... you get the drift. That took most of the afternoon.
I had intended going out for a bike ride but as the sun came out the day hotted up and I was loathe to get all hot and sweaty, so the day just petered out until Mark went to school and I retired to the comfort of his bedroom to watch a film on DVD with the AC on. The film had just finished when Mark came back with a student friend and they went out again.
So now I'm in my bedroom anticipating a call from Julie on Skype. The funeral music has started again... this is the third night... and loud yet again! Last night it was very loud and interspersed with voices that sounded like tributes to the dear departed. I don't know what time it finished but I had to close the windows and doors again.
So I'm busy going nowhere, isn't it just a crime? I'd like to be unhappy but, I never do have the time! Tra-la... la-la-la-la... la-la-la-la-la-la... la-la-la-la.
B........ ! Would you believe it? Julie phoned and my sound system cut out. When this happens I have to shut down the laptop and restart, then its OK again! So that's OK... but then Skype won't open up. So I'm stuck! Julie if you read this you'll know what's happening, but I'm going to shut down again now and start again... hope for the best!
1 comment:
Your upcoming travels in Australia and New Zealand, accompanied first by Rich and then by Julie, sound like they'll be great, and lovely to share with each of them. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading of your adventures in Vietnam. I know how much you love and enjoy your adult "children," so it seems fitting that your trip has included so much time with Mark, and soon with Rich (& his twin and family?), and Julie.
My daughter Ann just returned to Sydney, Australia from a trip to Perth. I'm looking forward to reading her blog about it and Skyping with her. My lawyer daughter Sarah lived in Oz for 6 months, 10 plus years ago and is enjoying living vicariously through Ann now! (Sarah's husband, Brian, also an American and a lawyer, was in Oz for a whole year, with Sarah joining him in Sydney halfway through -- he was posted there with his then employer.)
Sorry to hear of the troubles you had recently Skyping with Julie. Skyping is a good service -- vas I've written, I use it to stay in touch with Ann. So, I'm imagining your day of "busy doing nothing" will have cleared up your audio troubles! Roll on . . .
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