Tuesday 16th Dec
I've been in Hoi An since Sunday when Uncle Wing (I started calling him that because he was looking after me so well) found me a small hotel right in the centre of this small town. We had a coffee in the cafe opposite while I tried to drum up a passenger for his return journey, but to no avail. He had to get going as it would take him the best part of three days to get home. I'm just sorry I couldn't keep him longer!
The Cafe is popular with tourists and no sooner had Wing gone than the two Irish girls turned up and we resumed our chatter. They're great company and we met again for dinner along with a couple and their friend from London. Yesterday we just meandered around the town and I bought a silk sleeping bag for just over 2 pounds. The girls, being more afluent (they are business women though you wouldn't believe it) had themselves fitted for new clothes. This is the centre of smart fashionable clothes and shoes, all very inexpensive but not cheap enough for me! After a lunch of fruit in their room, at their invitation I introduced them to EFT and they were so amazed they paid me, which is a very welcome addition to my dwindling funds!
Hoi An is an ancient trading port at the mouth of a river, so it's very quaint with interesting old buildings. The weather's been cool with some rain since Sunday, which is OK for me although I'd like to find the beach, which is 4 Kms away. I've decided to stay till Thursday, when I'll move north to Hue, an ancient city. The girls move on then to China and the end of their three month trip but we will keep in touch.
Although this country is long and narrow I'm only just beginning to realise how big it is. We travelled 872 Kilometers in five and a half days, which is over 500 miles, through the backbone of highlands and mountains that separate Viet Nam from Cambodia and Laos.
Unfortunately, as I can't download my pics here, they'll have to wait till I get back next week.
Hello again, Pat.
How lovely to share EFT and be paid! I've been doing astrology readings here, meeting some lovely people. And after meaning to do so for 10 years, I've finally created a business card for "Into the Light Astrology!"
I love hearing about your travels/adventures. I'm about to have one. . . I'm taking the California Zephyr (train) from Denver CO to Truckee CA (Lake Tahoe), to join son Tim and his wife's family (including grandbaby, Eliza) for Christmas. The good news is that when I get all my medical ducks aligned, I AM ABLE to travel within this vast country. Hurrah.
Love and blessings of the season to you.
Hi Catherine, that's fantastic! Sounds like your life if taking a good turn.
Hi :-))
Agnes here, my first time here. Oh, my... I only read a few posts but really enjoyed reading... I have a feeling I'll be back for more reading as I am curious about the rest of your adventures...
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