Sunday, 1 February 2009

Anxious in Christchurch

I've been having strange feelings of unease since Richard left me in Sydney. Maybe I was just feeling vulnerable on my own and getting paranoid about losing something valuable, like money, credit cards or passport. Late at night as I was returning to my hostel in Sydney I was approached by a young man who asked for money, claiming he'd had his wallet stolen. I was immediately on my guard and told him I had nothing to spare, which was true as I was eking out my last few dollars. Afterwards I was overwhelmed by the feeling of being alone without any means of support and regretted not giving him my day bus ticket, valid until midnight, which would have taken him home.

After having my phone stolen from my baggage, (I was stupid not to have it on my person all the time) and my wallet lifted in Cambodia, (I put the blame on Mark for insisting I didn't need it chained to my bag!) I've been working on all my latent fears of loss with EFT, which has been interesting to say the least! My fears were realised when my bag was lost in transit from Australia, confirming the idea that thoughts create our reality! It's not always so easy to change the thought patterns of a lifetime and I'm having a real challenge with this one!

I booked into this Hostel as it was reccommended by the bus driver, and later found that its all unisex, so there's no privacy and I'm sharing a dorm with four young men, so that's a first! I was in bed by 10pm and asleep by the time anyone else came in and they didn't disturb me, although I probably disturbed their sleep when I got up at 8.30 this morning. The only place to dress was in the shower, which was roomy enough anyway. Because I don't have my case I don't even have a change of clothes and I had to buy a fleece last night as its so cool here!

Now I'm in New Zealand, the land I've been so looking forward to visiting because I wanted to emigrate here when I was 19, I'm wondering what I'm doing here so far from home! However, I'm sure I'll feel much better when Julie arrives this afternoon.

I've been having real problems with my picture memory cards, telling me they were full when I knew they were not. So I just found a photography shop where they were checked and found to be OK. Suddenly they are working again and I wonder if it was the heat affecting the camera! Anyway, I'll download a few now and onto previous blogs. I've bought credit on this Global Gossip card which means I can use their computers in most towns and the phone anywhere, which is a great relief.

1 comment:

Catherine Woods said...

It's amazing what can arise in our somatic "field" when we're in times of transition, and our "survival mode" thought patterns get triggered. Thanks for having the courage to share your vulnerability and how EFT is helping you navigate through it!