I'm so lucky to have found EFT, not to mention many other healing techniques; especially Hypnotherapy and NLP.
I've been listening to EFT Master Carol Look on financial challenges... I hope this link will work so you can get this... Carol Look:
If there's one challenge I've still not got sorted, it's MONEY! Maybe you too?
I've always considered myself to be hard up, because growing up, my dad's mantra was... 'we can't afford it'. So this is what I've been repeating all my life... and guess what? It's been true for me too.
However, I know there have been times of abundance... only I've never been able to hold onto it... in spite of the fact that I rarely indulge in luxuries, have never stayed in expensive hotels or shopped for expensive clothes... I could never afford to. Whatever I've had has trickled away like leaking water. I've used some to travel, which I'll never regret, but I've also let others take it off me without a fight, when under emotional pressure, as though its just not important.
Working on my limiting beliefs with EFT I've uncovered SHAME for being poor and GUILT for having more than others. How's that for conflicting beliefs? I have to admit reluctantly, that all my life I seem to have beeen more comfortable living on the breadline... because then I can't be accused of being better off that anyone else and I could happily grumble about it.
OK... It's about time I changed all that. I'm working on it.
Even though rich people are not nice people... (how true is that?) and money is the root of all evil (that's my religious upbringing)... I'm ready to accept that money is just energy... a simple means of exchange... which is just as valid as barter... and must be valued for the good it can do.
Even though I've always had to work hard for money... money has never worked hard for me... and I accept that my relationship with money has been very poor.
Even though I've never really valued money... I accept that's just a limiting belief that's caused me to work against my own interests.
Even though I've been ashamed of having more than others... and maybe I just don't deserve it... now I realise that money must be valued like a good friend... contacted frequently... invited into my life... nurtured and made welcome.
That's it, in a nutshell. Now I'm ready to accept with gratitude all the abundance that's around me... because we do live in an abundant universe, in spite of our limited viewpoint.
That's pretty powerful, its all a matter Be-Do-Have..keep working on it!!
Hi Pat -- Yes, I agree, money is one of the many forms of energy. As such, it's in constant motion. It would seem that EFT is helping you position yourself, in each moment of the NOW, more peacefully in the give and take of this flow! Hurrah and thanks for sharing your process with us!
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