After we'd had a meal in a Cafe, dropped Mark off at the Station and spent half an hour trying to find our way back to the motorway because we'd taken the wrong road, Annie was wishing she'd taken the train and got home much earlier! Anyway, I was very glad to have her with me, as we were driving into the setting sun, which was blinding me all the way home in spite of sunglasses.
Yesterday morning I was shocked to find I weighed 66k, the same as a week ago when I resolved to lose 1k a week for the next 6 weeks until I'm down to 60k. I knew I'd blown it over the weekend at Annie's, where we celebrated Julie's and Rich's Birthdays (even though Julie wasn't there), with wine and nibbles, nuts and crisps, which were delicious if not exactly the healthy diet I've been trying to maintain.
However, I was even more shocked this morning to find that I weigh 65k! It's a digital weighing maching, so very accurate. Something must be moving, maybe as a result of the walks I've been taking, as well as my focus on '60k in 6 weeks' mantra.
With more regular exercise and less food, something's gotta give!
I know you're sad to see him go, but I'm happy to see him come back! We're going for our usual pho on Thursday morning!
I know he can't wait to eat VN food again! He's gained too much weight here!!
It's lovely to see how much you enjoy your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchild. At my end, I'll soon be headed for California (in August, by train again) to enjoy being with my grand-daughter, Eliza, on her 2nd birthday. It's a mini family reunion as my daughter Sarah (the lawyer from Arizona & Aunt to Eliza) will join my son and daughter-in-law (parents of Eliza) for the celebration of the little one!
great stuff
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