Tuesday 14 July 2009


Just back from a weekend away in the far North where Mark was teaching his TEFL course for aspiring teachers of English. I was one of the students and it was hard work but as always, it was good FUN as well as great teaching!

The picture is of Boris, a 'Russian student', not very proficient in his use of the English language, introduced to test the mettle of those practising their teaching skills and as they don't know quite how to treat him, this causes much hilarity. That's him in the red shirt!

After two long days we returned to Leeds where Chloe gave up her bed for me, and we returned home very tired last night.

Below is the Angel of The North standing above the main road into Gateshead and Newcastle and it's quite a sight, although this picture doesn't do it justice.

1 comment:

Catherine Woods said...

Hi Pat -- I truly enjoy following your travels! Thanks for sharing.
With blessings,