Friday, 17 July 2009

Where I get my Wisdom

As I have such an interest in travelling, both literally and metaphorically, I love sharing the experiences of others and the world wide web has a wealth of websites and inspiring newletters to which I subscribe. So when it's raining, as it is today and I have time to sort through my email, I find there many messages, recordings and videos to inspire me.

This quote is a great piece of wisdom from young traveller Chris Guillebeau: “If you rely on others to set criteria and standards for you, I think you’re setting yourself up for failure or disappointment. Better to define what success looks like on your own, and not worry about what other people think.” (The Art of Nonconformity... )

As an Aquarian I like the idea of nonconformity. Most of my life I've been nonconformist in a conventional kind of way. If I'd been born a couple of years later I think I'd have been a hippy, although I'm so strongly imbued with my family's Northern protestant work ethic, it refuses to go away. The result is that I don't feel I 'belong' anywhere. You know what I mean?

Among the many newsletters advocating EFT I usually manage to read Gary Craig's: as well as Gwyneth Moss' The Tapping News at and EFT Down Under from Steve Wells, whose workshops I've attended both here and in the US. He usually has thought provoking things to say at www.eftdownunder.

Maybe you'd like to share your favourite sites on the comments page! If you too are nonconformist, or have anything at all to share, I look forward to hearing from you. Just click on the Comments button... it only takes a minute or so... OK?


Catherine Woods said...

I regularly visit a website which both delights and has become, for me, a portal to inner stillness:
Bearskin Lodge and East Bearskin Lake, in northeastern Minnesota, have been dear to my heart ever since childhood when my family camped on the lake near the lodge/resort. As I grew older, my family starting staying in the resort's log cabins. These days I stay in touch with Bearskin via their webcam which frames a picture during the daylight hours of a spot on the lake I know very well. I use this picture to tap into the peacefulness of this part of the world and thereby access my own inner stillness each day!
With love and blessings,

Catherine Woods said...

Here's that website again,

Patsy said...

How lovely to have great memories of such a beautiful place. Thanks for that Catherine.

Catherine Woods said...

I was recalling the beautiful Bodnant Gardens near where you live in Wales and which I have had the pleasure of visiting (at the tale-end of the beautiful libernum flowering). How lovely for you to be so near! Garden energy, on any scale, reminds me to to tend my own inner garden and to give thanks for the glory of a fruitful planet. In addition, I'm thankful that where I live, there is space to garden on a modest scale. Flowers can be so uplifting, and there's nothing like the taste of a home-grown tomato!

Every week, I get a newsletter from a gardener in Iowa City, IA (where I used to live), of photos from his beautiful "home" garden. I look forward to seeing whatever is in bloom and choosing my favorite from the pictures he's taken that week. The website, Mears Garden, can be found at

During the winter months, he has a sort of competition for best flower of the previous season that has helped many, including myself, bridge the dark, cold months of winter.

Catherine Woods said...

oops -- laburnum !