It's quite a climb as you'll see from the pictures; although not really a mountain it's as much as I can manage nowadays and that's me, hot and out of breath nearly at the top.

Now I've studied this idea for some time, read many books and articles, listened to inspiring podcasts and watched countless video clips. I'm happy to explain to everyone how the way to change one's life is to change the way we think and to transform basic belief patterns. We are what we think; I tell them. But making this work is actually quite tricky. While I think I'm focussing on positive aspirations, I'm actually stuck in the groove of habitual beliefs such as; 'Wants never gets', 'If you want something you'll never get it, so don't want.'
While I say I believe that energy can be harnessed to make things happen, I've begun to realise that a part of my mind doesn't believe at all. This 'Doubting Thomas' is a cynic and finds plenty of reasons to throw cold water on anything.
So I tapped on that; 'Even though part of me doesn't want to believe... I completely love and accept my 'Doubting Thomas' part. Even though this part doesn't believe in anything... I forgive this part that's been doing its best to protect me from being stupid.'
As I tapped I realised that I could ask this part of my mind to accept the possibility of something it finds difficult to believe. That felt good, but 'Thomas' waits for results.
I've been gradually gaining weight and have now topped 10 stone at 66 Kilos. I accept that I'm unlikely to ever be 8 stone again, but I'm not happy to be heavy as it affects my energy levels and I've been feeling very tired lately. So today I made a decision to achieve a weight of 60k in the next 6 weeks.
Now I've said it and put it out to the universe, how difficult can it be to lose 1 kilo (2 1/2 lbs) a week? Or rather, how easy can it be? Notice how that change of language changes the perception? I do love food but I really don't need to eat so much!
'Even though part of me doesn't believe I CAN get to 60k in 6 weeks... I'm open to the possibility that I CAN eat enough to lose 1k a week... and I completely love and trust myself to achieve this... 60k in 6 weeks... how easy can that be?
Anyway, I'll let you know how I get on, week by week.
How wonderful to tap your love and acceptance of a part in you that we all face in one form or another in ourselves, your Doubting Thomas! Wishing you inner spaciousness and peace, both druing these next several weeks and your life overall!
How lovely this familiar view is; want to come and stay again!! And yes, we all need to reaffirm our intention(s) to the Universe to keep ourselves on track. It's not easy but quite possible...good luck.xxx
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