'Where the Bee sucks, there suck I; in the cowslip's bell I lie:'

Annie convinced us that a performance of Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' in the open air in the cool of the evening would be a wonderful experience. So last night Mark and Chloe with Annie and myself drove down the lovely Conwy valley to Gwydir Castle, suitably equipped with warm clothes, blankets and folding chairs. Not to mention the bottle of wine! It was indeed a memorable performance, one leading role being played by the lovely Rachel who works with Annie, except that there was no sound system and we at the back couldn't hear a thing! Alright if one had the script, which Mark did of course. Anyway, we should have been relieved that it didn't invite a tempest in reality.

Mark has a weekend TEFL course in Newcastle, so I'm going along for the experience and also to catch up with Amy, another granddaughter and Mark's eldest, in Leeds. His younger daughter Chloe has been here a couple of days so we'll be setting off early in the morning to cross the Pennines, then continue up the A1 to the far north where fierce brigands lurk in wait for unwary travellers. Well, not these days, although they are descended from Vikings, allegedly!
To tell the truth, I'm still recovering from Glasto and five days caring duties!

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