Tuesday, 27 January 2009


Just a quick entry here as we're having morning coffee (8.45am on Wednesday) in the Java Internet Cafe in Yackandandah. We read in the brochure that this is the prettiest little town in the highlands of Victoria so we just had to visit after spending the night in a hilltop carpark, miles from anywhere, watching to sun set and sleeping under the spectacular sky that we've almost become used to.

With only two days to the end of this part of my journey, when Rich flies home on Friday, I have to phone Ann to see whether we can meet up for a days sightseeing. However, with Rich's phone losing battery power, then finding there's no signal when we camp, and then realising that we don't know the codes for Australia or Sydney, I've still not accomplished this. So as soon as I've done here I'll find a public phone and try to work out how to use it! How useless I am sometimes.

So if you're reading this Ann, please leave a comment if you can!


Catherine Woods said...

Hi Pat -- I wrote Ann an email alerting her to your phone dilemma and asking that she contact you via a "comment" on your "Yackandandah" website blog. Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

Hi Pat! Great to connect with you tonight. Speak to you either tomorrow night or Friday morning when you get in to Sydney. Since it's a mobile number I believe you can bypass the country and city codes and dial my mobile direct beginning with 04. I look forward to meeting you and doing some sightseeing :)