Monday 10 January 2011


Change requires commitment and as my own coach I have to be as tough on myself as I would be for any client!
As Einstein said... "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
So it's obvious that to lose fat and get fit, I must examine my habitual routine and make room for change. During these short, dark wintery days I've been getting up late and sitting around far too much, forgetting about my usual yoga routine. However, I have no excuse not to spend some of that time indoors exercising, so my plan is to start getting up earlier and do at least 10 minutes gentle yoga stretches before breakfast, as I used to do, which kept me supple and healthy for many years. Instead of which, I've been getting straight onto my laptop, which is insanity!
Whenever I can, I take a brisk walk for at least half an hour and if the weather is bad, there is nothing to stop me SWIMMING, which is free for me as a senior citizen! Add to that cycling as the days lengthen and weather improves.
Then as darkness descends, instead of settling  into an armchair in front of the fire and switching on the TV... I can play a fitness DVD and coach my muscles back into shape. NO EXCUSES!  What could be simpler?

Oh, how we rebel against discipline!  Yet the practise of discipline is the key to any success.
My motivation is my Goals and Action Plan on a board where I see it constantly... because I do need that constant reminder to put it into practise... and Practise Makes Perfect!

It's crazy that I need this reminder to do what is not only good for my health, but I actually enjoy but I can Tap for that!

What's your motivation?


Unknown said...

My motivation tends to be how awful I feel when I don't take care of myself rather than how good I feel when I do ...odd....and very handy for the subconsious because how quickly we forget how our bad habits hurt us ! ...eventhough I indulge in bad habits that hurt me and I sneak them in because it takes time for my body to react, I deeply and completly love and accept myself and am open to changing these habits. yay!

Catherine Woods said...

Yes, in many ways, attending to the needs of the physical body can prevent stagnations of all sorts, especially during the dark of winter! Bravo! And bravo for reinforcing your intentions with attention-getting methods like visual reminders and EFT!

Unknown said...

You COULD have the best of both worlds!! I have a ski machine thing setup in front of the tv. I exercise and watch my shows at the same time! You can steal my idea :)