Saturday 8 January 2011

Another New Year

Another New Year and most of us are probably thinking about improving our lot in one way or another.
There are many inspiring books out now, as well as motivational newsletters and offers of coaching on the net and I've subscribed to many of them over the last year or so. This is great, but I've begun to feel overloaded with all this information on the Law of Attraction and offers that promise to teach me how to achieve better health, my ideal figure, success and great wealth. It seems that so many people are in the business of self-help and they are simply recycling variations of basic psychological ideas and coaching techniques. Of course these can help, but I'm so put off by the self-promotion and  money making frenzy, that I've unsubscibed from most of them, except those that feel more congruent and don't hassle me.

Now I have no desire to jump on the bandwagon, but I think by now that most of us know what's good for us and what isn't! We know that what we take into our bodies affects our health and how we look... and what we take into our minds informs our attitudes and behaviour. We know that we have to eat less to lose weight and exercise more to keep our bodies healthy. All the information is there, but if we don't take action, we don't get anywhere. It's all too easy to 'know-it-all' and say it doesn't work because... and that's the problem for many of us who can't find the motivation to carry it through.

I have to admit thatI am one of those who have all the 'How to' books, love the ideas and want to promote them. And I do practise what I preach... some of the time! I am lucky to be blessed with good health... BUT... I know I'm heavier than I want to be and when I see pictures of myself, especially from the back, I'm appalled at how I look! So how to find the motivation to do something about it?

Making resolutions is obviously the first step and writing down goals is the first thing a coach will advise. However, most resolutions and goal-setting only last so long because its so easy to fall back into the same old habits.
So I'm putting these thoughts into this blog as one way to get me motivated, yet again, to feel better about myself.
All comments welcome!

Happy New Year to you all


Unknown said...

oh my how i love 'your stuff' ! pretty much what i've been thinking too ! thankyou wisewomantravels ! i'm going for a walk right this minute ! i will think of you walking in wales while i walk in british columbia ..though our time zones make it difficult for us to walk together ! but there's a thought !

Catherine Woods said...

Hi Pat --

I appreciate this honest and courageous post. Thanks and Happy New Year!

2010 felt like a pivotal year, bringing breakthroughs and shifts in perception as I turned 60 and opened to the journey which will take me through this final "act" in this particular life. The Wisdom of the Horse (via Linda Kohanov and a local facilitator and her two horses) catalyzed a dive into my depths. Karla McLaren's extraordinary work enlarged my understanding of and capacity to "get the message" from the highly nuanced flow of my emotions, and thereby increased my emotional literacy. And overarching it all was the experience of Michael Brown's The Presence Process.

. . . and the journey continues . . .

May you be similarly blessed in these "interesting" times!


Patsy said...

Thanks Celia... I'll be thinking of you while I'm walking.

Catherine... it's wonderful how these inspirational connections move you forward. Have a good year.

Diane Holliday said...

Thinking on the same my newsletter. I too can take no more of this books are for sale...except the ones that I truly need to re read.
My family have been looking at old photos..and I was once slim, like you. So this year, like you...I will get fitter and slimmer.
Lets keep this up sister.....xxxxxx