Monday 17 January 2011

All you need is LOVE!

I'm glad to say that the strained muscle in my leg is now fine and my knee isn't too bad, so I'm able to resume some gentle exercising. I've been sending love to the parts of my body that ache and otherwise complain and as strange as that may sound, I feel it really works!
When we smile, we immediately feel better and as we allow feelings of love to permeate our whole being, it has such a positive effect on all systems of the body. This may be the opposite of one's natural reaction... to curse the injury and berate the body for apparently letting us down. How can we treat ourselves so and expect to feel happy? As the Beatles sang... All we need is Love!

I  believe that one can use this simple tactic for anything and everything... from healing both mind and body to healing relationships in any situation. We know how animals respond to our intentions and can sense our fear, so we can understand how people react to us when we try to hide our true feelings, without even understanding why.

So when you're not getting the results you really want, from strangers, co-workers, friends and nearest and dearest, take a few deep breaths, feel the love, relax and smile!


Catherine Woods said...

Beautifully written! Thank you!

Diane Holliday said...

Oh how true....bless and love yourself first....then you have more to give to others xxxx