These are pics from yesterday; rather dull and drizzly but pleasant enough!
It's Sunday morning and I just had a leisurely breakfast with Mark. He wasn't very well yesterday; either he'd picked up a tummy bug or he's just tired and run down. So he spent most of the day in bed while I explored the town and walked around the lake, about 7 Km. I'd hoped to do a day's tour of the area, but after shopping, found that I hadn't brought enough cash! I have money at home but underestimated the cost of this trip. Silly me!! We're also paying over the odds for this hotel; $35 a night for two rooms, but as far as I'm concerned it's worth it for the peace and comfort and I'll pay for it out of my bank account. So even though I had a minor panic attack about money last night, I tapped on that and slept well.
The great breakfast I ate meant that I didn't need to eat again till late in the afternoon, except for a fantastic fresh strawberry smoothie at the Peace Cafe. This is also a backpackers hotel, which is much cheaper than Dreams although not quite as comfortable.
My walk around the lake was the most exercise I've had for some time, apart from a couple of short bike rides, and it was great to be able to walk so far without sweating like a racehorse. It rained a bit but I had my waterproof jacket and a huge umbrella from the hotel, so it was very pleasant. Much like a summer's day at home actually.
Later on, I was joined by Judy and Mark, who'd taken some medication and was feeling much better and we ate very well at the Peace Cafe. They do fantastic fruit and chocolate pancakes, which I must try later today. Then I had an early night, reading a very good book by Mitch Albom; 'Five People You Meet in Heaven' that I found on the hotel bookshelves.
So today is another easy day, though I may hire a bike to do some exploring. Now the sun's coming out and so will I.
I've been enjoying reading your blog and looking up your various locations on Google.
Thanks Catherine... I love to hear from my readers so tell us more about yourself!
That's me swinging my then 9 month old grand-daughter in Fort Collins City Park this past May. Since overseas travel is no longer an option for me, I'm enjoying being part of your journey. I've posted before -- especially after a blog you wrote about Food, I think. I love seeing the photos.
Hi Catherine... didn't know if that was you! You're looking good and I forgot you have a grand-daughter now! Hope you life is OK!
Life is good -- having survived is wonderful. And despite needing to be on oxygen supplementation and intravenous medicine 24/7, I'm quite high functional these days.
I'm on my way, via auto, from Colorado to Illinois to gather with family for the USA Thanksgiving holiday. The grandbaby will be there, as well as my 81 year old mother. It will be mom's first introduction to her great-grandchild (and a first for my sisters too.)
2 out of 3 of my children will be there (baby's dad, and middle child/elder daughter). Youngest daughter is in Sydney, Australia, creating a new life after several years in Atlanta, Georgia. So, I get to "visit" Oz too (virtually, that is). The 3 are doing well, middle daughter is a lawyer in Phoenix, AZ and oldest son continues to pull together billion dollar alternative energy (wind, solar, biomass) packages for a variety of clients. Needless to say, it's a joy to watch them.
I believe you're headed to OZ next, yes?
I would buy some jackets if got chance to go there.
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