After the worst night here, I'm just glad there's only one day left. Suffice to say that 'Jane' was so bad she couldn't even go to bed, so I had very little sleep. Something to do with her medication, which was changed last week. I really earn this money!
It's not always easy to keep a balance while doing this job. On one hand, I have a job to do and want to do it to the best of my ability, while on the other hand, if I were to spend every moment of every day with my client, it could be detrimental to my own health. While some clients want a lot of attention others are less demanding. However, if I allow myself to become too engrossed in my own interests, such as blogging or reading, my client could begin to feel ignored, because my attention is no longer on them. And I have to watch that I don't start to detach from the job before I've actually finished. Remember when you watched the clock as it neared 5.O'clock on a Friday?
You may be wondering why I've posted a picture of Rich in Australia! Balance. Richard knows all about balance as that's what he does for a living.
Come to think of it, all of life is a tightrope and whatever we do; perform acrobatics, take a walk, ride a bike, drive a car, pilot a plane or maintain a relationship, is all subject to a system of checks and balances.
When I leave here tomorrow I'll be driving to Bristol to stay for a couple of days with Rich as I'm half-way there already. Then to Diane's for a holiday in Cornwall... Hey-hey!!!
1 comment:
Keep your chin up! I think what you do is so wonderful!
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